Family Day Part 2

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Thorn POV

Outfit above

Ben, Lonnie, Doug and the other Auradon kids finished singing their song as Evie, Jay, Mal, Carlos and I walked into the court yard Evie and Mal were talking while I was holding Dude and talking to Peter as Carlos and Jay were stuffing their faces with chocolate "so Thorn do you have a date for the coronation?" "um no, I just got asked by Carlos yesterday but I haven't decided yet" "so you wouldn't mind if I asked you to the coronation?" "um well I hav-" when I was about to finished my sentence Dude jumped out of my arms to catch a croquet ball. 

A few minutes passed Ben revealed to his parents that Mal was his new girlfriend which left them speechless, then they invited us to play croquet with them. Then a old lady walked up to Mal.

"Hello there" the old lady said kindly "Hi" Mal responded, the lady looked at Mal confused "now have we met before?" she asked "no I don't think so I'm new I'm sort of like a... Transfer student" "oh, yes" Then Audrey came up to the lady and called her 'Grammy' "Grammy?" I asked confused "sleeping beauty's mother, Grammy I don't think you want to be talking to these girls unless you want to feel like taking another hundred-year nap" Queen Leah turned to Mal with shocked on her face "What? You!" she shouted earning the attention of everyone around her.

"How are you here? And how have you stayed so young?" she asked, Ben walked up to the other side of Mal "Queen Leah, it's okay Maleficent is still on the island this is her daughter Mal, don't you remember my proclamation to give the new generation a chance?" "a chance to what Ben? Destroy us? come on you remember, don't you? The poison apple and the spells. Spells, my daughter... Was raised by fairies because of your mother's curse so her first words, her first steps I missed it all! You mustn't trust her" she shouted again. "I'm so so..." Mal started to got near Queen Leah but Chad stepped in front of her "Go away! Stay away from her!" "don't do this, Chad" "what? They were raised by their parents, Ben what do you think that villains teach their kids? Huh? Kindness? Fair play? No way, okay? Uh-uh. You stole another girls' boyfriend" He pointed at Mal "Hey, Hey!" Ben said, then Chad moved on to me "you enjoy manipulating people into getting what you want" Peter came in front of me and got up in Chad's face "you leave her out of this" he said through gritted teeth "see what I mean!?" then he moved onto Jay "oh you enjoy hurting people" then finally to Evie "and you, you're nothing but a gold digger and a cheater" Evie pulled out her mirror "mirror, mirror in my hand who's the biggest jerk in the land?" and turned her mirror to show Chad "what come on!" he said and shoved Evie's arm away that angered Jay "back off Chad, all right? Back off!" Evie sprayed Chad with the stuff that was in the bottle that Mal had given her the night before Chad then faints.

"Chad! Chad? Chad! Evie did something to Chad!" Audrey yelled out "wake up, check if he's okay" Lonnie then said "come on Mal" we started to run towards the direction of the dorms "guys!" Ben yelled out to us "Thorn!" Peter yelled out to me, I turned to look at him with sadness in my eyes "Jay! Thorn!" and then I darted off with Jay to the others.

---Time Skip----

It was hours after the whole family day incident, the auradon kids stayed away from us as we sat at our table with our lunch that we didn't eat at all then Ben came over to us "hey guys, how is everyone? Yeah? Hey listen, forget about it all right? It was nothing forget about let it go, tomorrow after the coronation, I promise everything will be okay" Ben leaned down in whispered in Mal's ear "I have to go, I'll see you guys later" and then he left.

Doug came up and tried to talk to Evie but Chad kept on preventing her to do so then Jane and Audrey came over "how long does she think that's gonna last? Mal is just the bad girl infatuation" Audrey said "yeah I mean, he's never gonna make a villain a queen" Jane also said, okay seriously after we done for you Jane? Mal opened up her spell book and landed on the page where it reverse's the hair spell "beware, forswear undo Jane's hair" Jane's hair went to it's natural shortness and every girl around her started laughing meanwhile Audrey had her hand on her hips and asked "Excuse me,  who do you think you are?" Mal stood up from her seat with spell book in hand and turned to face Audrey "do I look like I'm kidding?" Mal replied as she opened up her spell book making everyone run away including Peter.

She then closed it and turned to us "I'm really looking forward to tomorrow, let's grab that wand and blow this popsicle stand" we all got up and followed Mal.

"I'm rotten to the core"

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