Finding the Wand

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Thorn POV

It was later in the evening me, Mal and Evie walking into the boy's dorm Carlos was playing some sort of video game and Jay was over at his bed with stuff on it and I walked over to him and asked him what he was doing "hey Jay watcha doing?" "Well Thorn it's called stealing it's like buying what I want except it's free" "Okay, maybe you can just leave it here and come back for it after we take over this place" Mal said as she came over to me and Jay "you said just like your mom" Evie called out from Carlos' bed, Mal put her hand over where her heart is and said 'thank you' to Evie "you do it your way and I'll do it mine".

"Die suckers! Jay, come check this thing out. Man, it's awesome" Carlos shouted over at Jay which he walked over and tried it out while us Girls went over and sat at the table that was in the middle of the room "Guys! Do I have to remind you what we're all here for?" Mal shouted at the boys goofing off "fairy godmother, blah, blah, blah, Magic wand, blah, blah, blah" Jay replied while the rest of us except Mal chuckled at Jay "This is our one chance to prove ourselves to our parents, to prove that we are cruel, vicious, ruthless and cruel Yeah?" me, Evie, Carlos and Jay replied in sync with a 'yeah'.

"Evie Mirror me" she pulled out the magic mirror that her mother gave her "mirror, mirror on the... in my hand, where is the fairy godmothers wand... stand?" the mirror showed the wand in a museum of some type  "there it is!" Mal shouted Evie told something to the mirror "magic mirror not so close" the mirror zoomed closer "closer, closer, closer" I could tell that Carlos was getting bored because he asked if he could get back to his game cause he's on level three or something then I yelled 'Stop!' Which made Carlos come back "it's in a museum do we know where that is?" Carlos did his magic on his little computer that he had "2.3 miles from here" "alright let's go" all 3 of us ran out of the boy's room while Carlos went to his video game so I of course had to go back for him "Carlos!" I yelled  and he came out rushing to but his jacket on "coming!"

As we were reaching the museum "come on, check your mirror" Mal instructed while Evie asked if her mascara smudged but Mal came back with a sarcastic remark "yeah and while your at it, why don't you see if you can find us the wand" Evie checked her mirror and lead us right to it "sure this way". We ended up at the front of the museum but the door was locked and we saw a security guard at the desk and Maleficent's spinning wheel "that's your mother's spinning wheel?" Jay asked "yeah, it's kinda dorky" Carlos added "it's magic it doesn't have to look scary magic spindle, do not linger make my victim prick a finger" sadly that spell didnt work "impressive" "I got chills" Jay and Carlos joked "okay you know what? Prick the finger, prick it deep send my enemy off to sleep" the security guard got up walked over to the wheel and 'accidentally' prick his finger 'ooh!" And ended up on the floor sleeping like a baby "not so dorky now, huh?" Now we just need the door to open Jay told us to stand back which we didn't but Mal made it easy by a simple spell 'make it easy, make it quick, open up without a kick' door just magically opened and Jay yelled 'ahh' indicating he was gonna kick the door open but ended up on the floor "coming?" Carlos tried helping Jay up but he pushed Carlos away saying he was alright "just trying to help" "shh Carlos!" "Coming!"

Evie pulled out her mirror again and told us that it was just upstairs and so close Mal told us to go up quickly, when we got up we saw statues of our parents "mommy?" "Killer" "I will never forget mother's day again" I just completely stared at my father's statue I made me think about my mission to be Red riding Hood back and my 12 other little brother's my brain got a whole new perspective of everything "well, the wand's not here let's bounce. Let's go" Evie and Jay ran off and I guess Carlos saw me staring at my father's statue cause his grabbed my hand in his and squeezed it and dragged me off where Jay and Evie were, when we notice Mal wasnt there Evie ran off to go and get her which gave Carlos time to talk to me.

"Hey, you ok?" He asked me "of course why wouldn't I be alright, we just grab this wand and we are off and done with" Carlos had a look that I know way to well "Thorn I know you since we were kids I know when your lying, I know the Thorn wouldn't go out and get a person and bring it back to her father to rip into pieces, but she would make sure that her brother's can survive on the isle" tears started to form in my eyes but I didn't cry but one spilled down my cheek but Carlos' hand wiped it away with his hand and kept his hand on my cheek and he was leaning in but before his lips could touch mine Jay coughed getting our attention and then him reaching to grab the wand and me and Mal yelling out him to stop. The alarms went off so we race downstairs and Carlos had to stop to take the phone call which caused me to stop with him at the end of his phone call he said 'say hi to the missus for me, yeah Nah I got mine right here' which caused me to blush and mal yelling at him and him saying 'your welcome' but I gave a kiss on the cheek and ran out of the museum with the others "thanks a lot Jay now we have to go to school tomorrow"

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