Mal's date and my two dates?!

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Thorn's POV

After I put my stuff in my locker and closed it, I was face-to-face with the one and only peter pan, who just smirked at me and leaned on the locker next to mine on his arm. "so how are you liking it here in Auardon?" "well it's a lot more different from the Isle and more colourful it's hurting my eyes a little" I said squinting my eyes "yeah well you kind of get used to it I guess" I felt Peter grab my hand "so are you doing anything later?" "no not really why?" I smiled "I was hoping that you'll go on a date with me" I squeezed his hand "Peter don't worry of course I will" His whole face lit up "sweet I'll swing by your dorm later ok?" "yeah sure" and with that, he ran off.  

I pulled the note out of my pocket that I got from Carlos earlier and said along the line's of Hey Thorn, I was wondering if you would like to hang out sometime today like a date or something? If so swing my mine and Jay's door  - Carlos. I guess I'll be going there after mine and Peter's date, then I was pulled out my thoughts by Mal dragging me with her and Evie "there you are come on I need help"

- Time skip to the dorm - 

Mal sat on her bed while Evie put makeup on her "easy on the blush, I don't want to scare him away not that I could" I looked towards her "since when did you care about makeup?" she glared at me while Evie continue putting blush on her "please my mom taught me how to apply blush before I could talk" then she started stroking the brush upwards "always use upwards strokes" I walked towards them and sat next to Mal "you know I never had a mother to teach me these things" "and my mom was never really big on makeup tips, and I never had a sister."

I laughed remembering my brothers "at least you didn't live with 13 brothers" Evie looked at me then at Mal "well now you got two, we're going to need all the family we can get if we don't pull this off. My mother's not a barrel of laughs when she doesn't get her way, just ask snow white" "either is my dad, don't feel bad E" Mal turned to Evie as she finished up Mal's makeup "are you two afraid of them?" "sometimes. What about you T?" I looked at the ground "well, he can get terrifying at times but he wants what's best for me and my brothers, what about your mom M?" she looked up at the ceiling and looked back at us "I just want her to be proud of me, she gets so angry with me when I disappoint her and sh... yeah, she's my mom, so I know she loves me..... in her own way" "moving on come see" Evie said indicating that she was done "are we done?" Mal asked "yeah" Me, Evie and Mal went over to the mirror so Mal could see what she looked like  "oh" "I know" "I look" "say it" "not hideous" "not even close M" then there was a knock at the door and I went to go and answer it and on the other side it relieved Ben who was staring at Mal "for the first time, I finally understand the difference between Pretty and beautiful" then he held up two bike helmets "I hope you like bikes" and with that me and Evie shoved Mal out of the dorm and got ready for my two dates.

Badwolf's daughter {Carlos De Vil x Reader x Peter Pan}Where stories live. Discover now