Remedial Goodness 101

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Thorn POV

"If someone hands you a crying baby do you A, curse it, B, Lock it in a tower?, C, give it a bottle? or D, Carve-out its heart?" so as you can tell we are in remedial goodness 101 our first class of this preppy school in this horrible country island thing and I was currently seated next to Carlos at the end of the table. Evie raised her hand and asked what the second one was but Fairy Godmother just ignored her and asked anyone else but no one responded then her eyes landed on mal who was sketching the wand and then fairy godmother called on her.

"C, give it a bottle" Mal said blankly "Correct Again" Carlos leaned over me to look at  Mal "dang, you are on fire, girl!" "Just pick one that doesn't sound any fun" I turned to Carlos and Jay and gave them the 'duh' face "Oh" "that makes so much sense".

Then a girl with a bob cut with a bow at the top and a blue dress came in and quickly walked over to Fairy Godmother "Oh, hello dear one. Hi" the girl spoke in a shy and timid voice "you need to sign off on an early  dismissal for the coronation" FGM was signing something on the clipboard that the girl gave her "everyone remembers my daughter, Jane?" Jane then turned around to look at us then back at her mother "Mom, no!" FGM gave back the clipboard to Jane who again walked down in a hurry and quickly saying 'hi that's ok, don't mind me, while she was walking down she looked at Carlos, angry rosed inside of me, 'no I don't have feelings for Carlos...  Do I?'.

After she left I looked at Mal who was looking at me and we both smirked at each other, that's another one-way ticket to the wand. FGM continued with the lesson "you find a vial of poison do you, A put it in the king's wine? B, Paint it on a apple" which earned Evie a giggle "or C, turn it over to the proper authorities?" I quickly hopped up and moved over to Mal and Evie's table and watch Jay and Carlos wrestle 'typical them' over who gets to answer the question, Fairy godmother picked Jay "C, you turn it over to the proper authorities" "I was gonna say that!" him and Jay wrestled some more until fairy Godmother suggested that she was gonna encourage their energy on the tourney field but Carlos said that they'll pass.

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