Tourney Try-outs and Pan

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Thorn's POV

"Jay, Ben offense, Peter you're defense. Chad you're the Shooter!" the coach yelled out to the team, I turned to see Carlos in the Kill zone then the coach yelled out to him 'Hey, hey, you lost boy put your helmet on and get out of the Kill zone!' Carlos looked so confused then he finally moved out of the 'kill zone'.

The game started I didn't really take any notice of the game because I was staring at Carlos then Peter and back and forth. I was snapped back to what was happening in front of me "you! get over here!" now someone's in trouble "what do you call that? I call that raw talent, come find me later I'll show you something that you haven't seen before it's called a rulebook welcome to the team son" the coach said to Jay then he turned to Carlos and said "you ever thought about band?" I believe that Carlos was about to say something but princey Ben piped in "I'll work with him, coach" "alright, let's run that again" as the boys got back to their places I saw Peter looking at me in the corner of my eye, so I turned around to look at him and he gave me a wink which made my face heat up and continued watching the game practice.

-- time skip ---

Me, Mal and Evie were hanging around at Mal's locker until Ben, Audrey and Chad came around the corner, then Evie said goodbye to us,  I could hear what they were saying but it wasn't important. After Audrey and Chad left 'BennyBear' came up to us and started talking to Mal, at the perfect timing Jane walked past us with a small whimper and into the girl's bathroom I nudged Mal's to indicate her that it's time so I cut Ben off by saying 'alright Bennybear it's time for us to go you can speak to Mal later' and with that we disappeared into the girl's bathroom

Badwolf's daughter {Carlos De Vil x Reader x Peter Pan}Where stories live. Discover now