Getting the wand will be easy peasy, Dude and a Kiss?!

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Thorn's POV

As me and Mal entered the bathroom Jane was staring at herself in the mirror, when she saw us her face had fear written all over. "Hi, it's Jane right?" Mal said first then I continued "always loved that name. Jane" "That's cool" she said very shyly and tried to walk away but Mal stopped her from doing so  "Don't go! we guess we were kinda hoping to make a friend" "but you probably have all of the friends you need though, huh?" "Hardly"

Both me and Mal looked at her in a fake disbelief "really? I mean with your mom being the fairy godmother and headmistress?  I mean not to mention your own, um..." Mal couldn't find the word that she was exactly going to say so I helped her out a little bit "personality" Jane looked between me and Mal and spoke again "I rather be pretty, you both have great hair" this caused me to smirk and turned to Mal "oh Mal, don't you have a spell for that?" she pulled out her mom's spellbook "well yes I do Thorn" she flipped over to the page where the hair spell was on "ah here we go... beware forswear replace the old with brand new hair" Mal did some weird stuff and Jane looked at the mirror to find long hair instead of short "wow, you almost don't notice your... other features anymore" Jane looked at Mal then her spellbook and tapped on it "do my nose" Mal signed and said "oh I can't, I've been practising you know, I can't really do big magic, not like your mom with her wand. One swoosh of that thing and you could probably have whatever features you wanted."

Jane's face changed into a disappointed look and looked down at the floor "she doesn't use the wand anymore, she believes the real magic is in the books and not the spellbooks, regular books with history and stuff" I looked at Mal and back to Jane "what a rip" "yeah" Mal spoke up at this point "you know, she used magic on Cinderella who wasn't even her real daughter, doesn't she love you?" "well, of course she does it's... it's just you know, tough love 'work on the inside, not the outside' you know that sort of thing" she made a sad look "that's the face!" then Mal continued for me "yeah and then just look as if your... your heart is about to break 'oh, mother, I just don't understand why you can't make me beautiful too'" Jane's whole face lit up and asked 'think it would work?' "Yeah I mean that's what old Cindy did right? And your mother bibbidibobbd-booed the living daylights out of her" I replied then looked at Mal "and hey if your mom does decide to you know break out the old wand, invite us" then Jane said "if I can convince mom, you guys are so there" both Mal and me said in sync "yay" then Jane left, after a few minutes I said bye to Mal as I headed to the tourney field

--- Time skip-----

I was seated on the grass watching Carlos and Ben "okay Carlos we're gonna do some sprints you ready?" then I heard a dog barking and Carlos screaming this can not be good before me and Ben noticed  Carlos ran into the forest with the dog behind him and saw him climb up a tree "Ben, Thorn, help me! This thing is a killer" he said while pointing at the dog "he's gonna chase me down and rip out my throat, this is a vicious rapid pack animal!" Ben looked shocked "hey, who told you that?" I walked up beside Carlos "his mother" Ben then looked at me then back to Carlos "Cruella?" Carlos nodded his head "she's a dog expert, a dog yellerer" Ben picked up the dog which made Carlos scream even more and pulled me up the tree with him "why are you holding him? He's gonna attack you!" Ben looked from Carlos and me to the dog and back up "Carlos, Thorn you guys never actually met a dog, have you?" me and Carlos looked at each other and he shooked his head 'no' "of course not" "dude meet Carlos and Thorn, Carlos and Thorn this is dude, he's the campus mutt" me and him came down from the tree and Carlos walked towards Ben and Dude "he doesn't look like a vicious, rapid pack animal"

Ben handed Dude over to Carlos for him to hold "Jeez, you're a good boy, aren't you? You're a good boy" Ben's smile disappeared "I guess you guys have it pretty rough on the island" I looked up from dude "yeah, let's just say that we don't get a lot of belly rubs" Ben put his hand on Carlos' shoulder "good boy, I mean you're a good runner. You're..... you're fast you know that" "Oh yeah thank you" "yeah listen I'm gonna give you guys some space yeah? You guys get to know each other and just, you know, come and find me later when you're done" and with that, he left.

 Me, Carlos and Dude sat in the same place in silence for a couple of minutes then I decided to speak "do you really want to go through this? I mean -" then he decided to cut me off "I know what you mean Thorn you have brothers back on the Isle that you need to take care of and they need you, you'll do the right thing, you always have" our faces were centimetres apart from each other, Carlos flickered his eyes from my eyes and my lips then started to lean in and I doing the same. It was only until a few seconds later that I felt his soft lips against mine, the kiss only lasted for about a minute when we pulled apart I was thinking of the words to say then I run off to mine, Mal's and Evie's dorm

What are my feelings telling me?


Hey guys I still need you guys to comment down some names for this story, so if you have time to do so please do

And side note I can't watch descendants 3 until in 2 weeks so yea

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