Rotten to the core

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Back at the Isle

Thorn POV (skipping to the end of the song)

Mal took the lollipop from the child that was in the wagon, I leaned up against Carlos' side as he lazily put an arm around my shoulder. Mal turned around to us and raised her arm in the air that she had the lollipop in hand while every single one of us laughed evilly. Soon enough the goons of Maleficent appeared behind Mal and that had everyone expect from the five of us to disperse. 

Mal turned around the goons and said "hi mom", Maleficent pushed through her goons and instructed them to stand behind me, Evie, Jay and Carlos. "Stealing candy Mal? So disappointing" "but it's from a baby," Mal said as she held the lollipop up to her mother to see, Maleficent had a mischievous grin plastered on her face as she took the lollipop from her daughter. "That's my nasty little girl!" she exclaimed ash she took the lollipop from Mal, Maleficent spat on it, put it underneath her armpit so it would soak up the stench and gave it to one of her goons to give it to the baby. "Give it back to the dreadful creature" Mal gave a scoff "mom I-" "it's the deeds Mal, the difference between mean and truly evil" Maleficent shouted the last part and waved off the mother and the child in the wagon. 

"When I was your age I was curing entire kingdoms" Maleficent chuckled as she directed Mal to walk with her, I had looked up at Evie beginning to send her the 'this old thing again' look but I was met with one of her good old fashion smirks, then at that moment I had realised the I was still leaning into Carlos' side. I glanced up at him and saw that his face was red as a tomato but I will have to admit that he is really cute with his white and black rooted hair, warm chocolate brown eyes and the cute little freckles that are dotted across his face. I shook my head from the deep thought, I shouldn't be feeling this way, should I?

As I proceeded to get out of the deep thought I directed my attention back to what Maleficent was saying more like shouting, "oh there's news! I bury the lead, you five have been chosen to go to a different school... in Auardon!" Carlos, Evie, Jay and I tried to run for it but Maleficent's goons stopped us. Evie, Carlos and Jay were stopped by the goons holding the middle part of their bodies while I was stopped by one of the goons handing me upside down from my ankles. Mal turned back to us and back to her mother with a shocked expression on her face "what! I'm not going to some boarding school filled to the brim with prissy pink princesses-" "and perfect prince's" we all looked at Evie while Mal was giving her the 'why' hand and facial expression, "oh yeah". 

"I don't do uniforms unless it's leather, you feel me?" Jay cut in as I rolled my eyes at him while he was left hanging from Carlos who went up and said; "I read somewhere that they allow dogs in Auardon" Jay faked bark to scare Carlos. "And I'm pretty sure that they don't want the daughter of the 'big bad' wolf terrorizing the school halls," I said as I still continued to hang upside down. They all left one by one following Maleficent "can someone get me down!" I shouted and Carlos came running, when he appeared in front of me we both noticed that our lips were only inches apart. Apparent blush was shown on both of our faces as Carlos dragged me to Maleficent's tower. 

Badwolf's daughter {Carlos De Vil x Reader x Peter Pan}Where stories live. Discover now