You will go and get the wand

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Thorn POV

Carlos and I caught up with the rest as we stood in front of Maleficent sitting on her throne while our parents were doing their own thing behind us, "you will go, you will find the fairy godmother and you will bring me back her magic wand, easy peezy". Mal then asked, "what's in it for us?" "matching thrones, hers and hers crowns" then Carlos interfered "umm I think she meant us" directing it at us five. Maleficent threw her nail file behind her and came closer to Mal "it's all about you and me baby, do you enjoy watching innocent people suffer?" she asked her daughter "oh yeah, well who doesn't?" Mal replied back "then get me the wand and you and I can see all that and so much more and with the wand and my sceptre, I will be able to bend both good and evil to my will!"

"Our will!" Evil Queen pointed out, "our will, our will and if you refuse your grounded for the rest of your life missy" "what mom!" Maleficent shut Mal's mouth and then they had a staring contest in which I wasn't interested in so I walked over to my dad, Li'l and the triplets, and looked around. "Ugh fine, whatever," Mal said as she gave up "I win", Evil Queen called Evie over to her and started to speak about whatnots and a prince, castle, mother-in-law wing and other stuff that wasn't quite interesting.

"Well their not taking my Carlos, I'd miss him too much" Carlos looked up at his mother with a little bit of joy on his face "really mom?" "yes, who would touch my roots, fluff my fur and scrape the bunions off my feet" Carlos looked down at the ground with disappointment. "Maybe starting a new school wouldn't be so bad" he commented, "oh Carlos they have dogs in Auradon" his face then showed fear, "no way I'm going". Maleficent just gave up at this point, "Jay isn't going either I need him to help me with my shop, what did you get?" Jay pulled out various stuff including a golden lamp which caused Jafar to try and rub it but Jay said that had already tried to and it didn't work so Jafar just threw it away. 

"Evie isn't going until we get this monobrow is gone" which made Evie gasp then my father spoke up and said something, "well Thorn isn't going anywhere, she needs to help me provide for Li'l and the triplets" and he ruffled their heads. This was the breaking point for Maleficent "what are you people doing?! People use to cower at the mention of our names," she pointed at Evil Queen "revenge on Snow White and those seven little men" "oh" she then pointed at Jafar, "revenge on Aladdin and his floating genie" "I will" Jafar shouted but Jay calmed him down and then she pointed at dad "revenger on that Little Red Riding Hood and those pesky pigs" "I could've had them for supper!". "And I, Maleficent, the most evilest of them all will have revenge on Sleeping Beauty. Villian our rain starts today" then the sound of the limo horn went off outside signalling it was here. 

"Don't let me down, Thorn"

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