My two dates!?

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Thorn's POV

After Evie was finished with my outfit and make up (picture above) I turned to face the mirror and breathed a 'wow' out "hopefully I don't scare them off" Evie turned to face me "what are you talking about T?" my eyes softened "when we were back on the Isle the only guy I dated.. I scared him off by just me in general" she came and sat down beside me.

"Thorn, you are the most incredible and beautiful girl I've ever met and you don't need anyone else to tell you so, you have found two boys that taken an interest in you and never forget that you have me, Mal, Jay and Carlos with you" I smiled at her "thanks E" we both hugged each other until there was a knock on the door "come on, one of your lover boys is here." Evie said excitedly and opened the door.

Peter stood there very handsomely in his forest green sweatshirt and grey pants to complement his outfit. "Better close your mouth Love, don't want to sallow flies do we now?" he chuckled and I just blushed "well I'll see you love birds later" Evie said as she pushed me out of the door way causing me to collide with Peter's chest "well then, Shall we go Love?" he out stretched his arm to me and I link my arm with his "we shall"

*Time Skip*

"Peter, where are we going" I giggled as his hands were over eyes, "I told you love it's a surprise" he said as I sighed out a 'fine', after a few moments of walking we were finally there. "Okay love here we are" he removed his hands from my eyes and I was face-to-face with bright colours hurting my eyes "what is this place?" I asked as I scanned the area "Flora, Fauna and Merryweather's café" he responded, the  big sign that said 'welcome to the 3 fairies café' and stand out with the bright colours of Red, Green and Blue and the whole building is based off from what people told "do you want to go in or go somewhere else if your too uncomfortable with this" I turned around to him "Peter it's fine let's just go" and so in we went.

Once we stepped one foot into the café every girls head snap towards Peter and started to make flirty faces at him as we pass them and get to our table and sat down across from each other, a awkward silence sat between us "so you have a reputation with the girls here don't you?" I asked first "I mean you can say that but none of them were nothing like you to be honest" I was really surprised but I was about to speak again until a waitress rudely comes in between me and Peter, "hello Peter" she said with a flirty tone then it changed when she saw me "what would you and your 'date' like?". "We'll take the pumpkin pie and the toasted white chocolate latte to go" "alrighty I will be back with your order" and with that she disappeared. 

Peter and I talked a little bit, our food came and we headed to a picnic area and sat until the sun went down and walked back to my dorm for me to get ready for my date with Carlos, so we arrived at the door "I really enjoyed tonight Peter thank you" I turned to face him "well I'm glad that you did enjoy" now we are centimetres apart, he looked down to my lips then back up to stare directly at me.

Then I felt his soft lips on mine and I started to kiss back until a certain someone *cough* Evie *cough* opened the door and dragged me in. "I told you to be back by 5 so I can get you ready for Carlos" "hey, i'm sorry E I just got caught up with Peter that's all" "sure" she sassed back "just go and change" so I grabbed the clothes Evie set on the bed and went to change.

*time skip*

I closed the door and turned to Evie with my new outfit (above) on "how do I look?" "like an princess" I smiled "thanks E, I don't know what I'll d without you" "I don't know Either T, well what are you waiting for go and get your man".

I knocked on Carlos' and Jay's dorm until one of them answered it (by Carlos) "Hey" "h-hey" he stuttered "y-you wanna come in?" "sure what else am I here for?" I giggled and walked into the dorm with Carlos behind me. "So what do you want to do?" I asked him as I sat on one of the beds and him next to me "Video games?" he asked and I agreed.

We spent 2 hours playing video games until I had to go back to mine, Evie's and Mal's dorm before curfew and Carlos offered to walk me back. We were just standing outside the door before he placed his soft lips on mine which lasted about 5 minutes then I thanked him and walked inside my dorm.


Hey I am so sorry about updating this late, who should Thorn go for? Leave your thoughts in the comments

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