A crisis and a love potion

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Thorn's POV

As I got to the dorm and slammed the door shut I turned around and saw Mal, Jane and Evie behind me "what happened you?" Evie spoke/ asked "uh well...." then we heard knocking on the door and opened. A girl with short dark brown hair and dressed in pink "hey guys, my name's Lonnie, my mom's Mulan?" there was still silence "no? Anyways I love what you've done with Jane's hair and I know that you hate us, and well, you're evil but do you think you could do mine?" Mal looked up t Lonnie "why would I do that for you?" "I'll pay you 50 dollars" then she pulled out a sack full of money which Evie took "good answer, I need to buy more material, let's see I'm thinking we lose the bangs maybe some layers and some highlights"

Lonnie cut Evie off from what she was saying "yeah, yeah I want it cool like Mal's" she gestured to Mal "and Thorn's" then to me, Mal looked up to her and said 'really?' and I just stared out of the window "the split ends and the ruffled hair?" Mal gave Evie a look and Evie daggled the bag of money which made her give in, reached for her spellbook and finding the page of where the spell was "beware, forswear, replace the old with cool hair" she did the weird direction finger thing again and Lonnie started growing long hair like Janes. She walked towards the mirror and saw her new hair "I know, I know It looks like a mop on your head, you know what? let's cut it off, layer it -" Lonnie cut Evie off once more "no, no, no, no! I love it" Evie looked at her in disappointment and asked 'you do?' "it's just..." she reached down to her skirt and ripped the side of her skirt "now I'm cool" if you call that cool try wearing a lot and I mean a lot of leather and gloves.

"Like ice" Mal said then Jane walked to where Lonnie and Evie were standing and did the same thing and realised what she had done "what did I just do? mom's gonna kill me!"

---- Time Skip brought to you by my laziness -----

Me, Mal and Evie were in our dorms talking about what happened between me and Carlos "see Thorn we always told that it would happen someday" "I didn't" Mal spoke, Evie turned around to Mal to give her a 'no-right-now' look then turn back to me "Thorn you guys have to talk about it, you can't just avoid it forever, he's your best friend" I flopped back onto the bed "I know E,  but ever since we came here and I met Peter my feelings have been all over the place it's so annoying!" I yelled into my pillow but there was a knock at the door, Mal went over and opened it and speak of the devil himself it was Carlos. He walked in with his computer and Dude and sat at the bottom of Mal's bed looking away at me but I looked away from him and stared out of the window.

A few minutes later Jay came in wearing his new tourney Jersey "yo-ho-ho" he said as he entered the room and went over to Mal's bedpost and saw her flipping through her spellbook "did your plan work with Jane? are you going to oversee the wand?" she looked up to Jay "do you think that I would be going through every spell in this book if I hadn't completely struck out?" "oh, someone's in a bad mood" Carlos said as he chuckled from where he was sitting "my mom's counting on me! I can't let her down!" she said as she smacked the back of Carlos'  head and Jay moved over to where I was "look we can do this...... if we stick together" I turned away from the window to Jay "who are you? and what have you done with Jay?" he just chuckled in response "and we won't go back until we do, because we're rotten"

"To the core" we all said in unison then Evie spoke up "oh yeah, I found out that Fairy Godmother blesses Ben with the wand at coronation and we all get to go I have nothing to wear of course" we all looked at her "what?" then there was knock at the door "hold that thought" Mal said as she got up and opened the door to reveal Ben "hey Mal, I didn't see you guys today I was just wondering if you had any questions or anything... that..... you needed" just then I realised what Mal was doing and caught Ben just about when he was gonna leave "oh wait, is it true that we all get to go to your coronation?" "yeah the whole school goes" I walked up beside Mal and leaned on the door frame "wow that is beyond exciting, do you think that it's possible  that the five of us could stand in the front row next to the Fairy Godmother, just so we could soak up all that goodness?" he sighed "I wish you could upfront  it's just me, my folks and my girlfriend" Mal looked at him with her head tilted "your girlfriend?" "yeah I'm sorry" "ok thanks bye" Mal closed the door in his face and turned to us, "I think it's time that Bennyboo got himself a new girlfriend, I need a love spell" Carlos tossed her spellbook to her and snorted.

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