First Impressions

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Thorn POV
As we watched Fairy Godmother leave, Ben turned to us with a smile with his hands clasped around each other while he walked towards us "it is so so good to finally meet-" he had tried to shake Jay's but was met with a small punch on the chest while moving onto Mal who have him a proper handshake but they stared each other for quite a while. He shook his head before continuing on "this is a momentis occasion and one that i hope will go down" he shook Carlos' hand which was covered in chocolate "in history he continued as he licked some chocolate off of his fingers as Carlos just looked at him.

Ben came and shook my hand next as I gave him an awkward smile since the fiasco had happened right before but he still shook it like nothing have never happened, looking over at Carlos seeing him glaring at Ben. "As the day as our two peoples begin to heal" Mal interrupted his little speech "or the day you show five peoples where the bathrooms are" causing Ben to chuckle lightly at the comment, "a little bit over the top?" He asked "oh more than a little bit" the two chuckled "well so much for my first impression". Ben looked over at Mal and again they both chuckled, "as much as i would like you two to continue your little chuckle feast I would really like to see the bathroom" I coughed interrupting the two and Peter asked with a smirk playing on his face "impatient are we love?" I rolled my eyes with a little smile "oh you have no idea".

"Hey, your Maleficent's daughter aren't you?" Male raised her eyebrows "yeah you what I don't totally do not blame you for your mother trying to kill my parents and stuff. My mom's Aurora Sleeping-" Audrey had continued "Beauty, yeah, I've heard the name" Mal said irritated. "And I totally don't blame your grandparents for inviting everyone in the whole world except my mother to their stupid christening" she had added. "Water under the bridge?" "Totes!" They both ended the awkward conversation with forced fake laughs and in-sync sighs.

"Umm, ok guys" Ben awkwardly said as he clasped his hands together, "How about a tour? Yeah? Auradon Prep originally built over 300 years ago but was then converted into a high school by my father when he became king" Ben explained as he, Pinky and Peter led us closer to the school. Stopping in front of the statue of Beast, Ben clapped twice as the statue had morphed from the king into a beast which had Carlos screaming and jumped into Jay's arms, "Carlos, it's ok. My father wanted his statue to morph from Beast to man to remind us that anything is possible" Ben reassured him. "Does he shed much?" Mal joked "yeah, mom won't let him on the couch" he replied smiling while Mal smirked at him, as the group of teenagers continued walking towards the entrance of the school Thorn had noticed that Carlos wasn't with them looking back she saw Carlos clapping trying to make the statue change.

"Hey Carlos!" She yelled catching his attention, noticing that the AKs and his friends were gone and almost inside of the castle while almost tripping over his feet Carlos ran over to Thorn's side. "So did it work?" She asked as they tried to catch up with the others Carlos' cheeks turning pink as he realised she saw him with the statue and she giggled not noticing Peter looking back at her and glaring daggers into the side of Carlo's head.

Walking inside of the castle Mal asked "So, you guys have a lot of magic here in Auradon? Like wands and stuff?" "Of course it exists but it's pretty much retired" Ben replied continuing "most of us are just regular mortals" "who happen to be kings and queens?" Mal inquired raising an eyebrow "that's true!"Audrey cut in grabbing Ben's arm slinging it over her own shoulders "our royal blood goes back hundreds of generations" both Mal and Audrey were locked in a glaring contest before Ben had yelled out a boy's name "Doug" he kept calling out to the marching band uniform wearing boy on the stairs "Doug!"  Ben then walked over to the boy putting a hand on his shoulder. "This is Doug" he introduced "he'll be helping you guys out" then walking back over to the rest mainly Mal as he looked, "and if you need anything-" "Just ask Doug" pinky had cut Ben off for the 100th time today  with the fakest smile plastered onto her face.

Mal and Audrey shared another fake, high-pitched laugh and dramatic sigh before she had dragged Ben away leaving Peter and Doug with the group of Isle kids, "hi guys, I'm Dopey's son. As in Dopey, Doc, Bashful, Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy...." He trailed off until he noticed Evie "high-ho".

Peter chuckled walking over to the stairs leaning on the round small table in the middle of the room next to Thorn, "Evie" she flirtatiously introduced herself as she strutted over to Doug "Evil Queen's daughter". "Uh, ok, so about your classes" Doug started once again as he snapped out of his daze "I put in the requirements already. History of Woodman and Pirates, Safety rules for the internet and uh, Remedial Goodness 101". Grabbing a chocolate and popping it in her mouth "lemme guess" she started "new class?" Thorn then finished her sentence while looking between the group, Doug nervously nodded looking between Mal and Evie. "Come on guys" Mal said rolling her eyes and throwing the chocolate wrapper onto the ground "let's find our dorms".

The Group followed Mal, Carlos grabbed Thorn's hand as he glared at Peter who had a smirk playing on his face winking at Thorn as the two walked passed him going up a flight of stairs. "Oh. Uh, yeah, your dorms are that way, guys" Doug called out after them as he pointed to the other staircase on the left walking passed Doug and Peter towards the other staircase, Doug started listing off all of the Seven Dwarfs again "Dopey, Doc, Bashful, Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy and...." "Sneezy" Both Thorn and Carlos said filling in the blanks while he had a firm grip on her hand. Peter quickly grabbed Thorn's free hand and kissed the back of it and whispered "I'll see you later, Love", her face heated up as she kept staring at him while they turned the corner.

The group walked together through a hallway receiving weird looks before splitting at a two-way passage, Carlos refusing to let go of Thorn's hand. The girls walked a couple of minutes before reaching their dorm room, opening the door Thorn gagged and squinted at the sight of the many shades of pink. She looked to the two girls beside her Mal had looked revolted while Evie looked like she was in a dream sighing "wow. This place is so amaz-" "gross" Mal cut her off, trying to save herself Evie agreed with Mal "amazingly gross. Ew". "Ugh, I'm going to need some serious sunscreen" Mal said as Evie looked at Thorn with excitement on her face, trying to make her feel better Thorn sends her a smile "yeah" Evie then 'agreed'.

"E, T" Mal said as she pointed to two different windows, following her directions Thorn sighed and closed the frilly pink curtains on one window while Evie did the same with the other window, "Phew. That is much better" Mal sighed while Thorn muttered "by only slightly" jumping onto the bed in the middle snuggling into the soft pillows and cover of the bed "but i can get use to this".

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