Leaving the Isle and arriving in Auradon

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I chucked the small brown bag into the back of the limo and turned to my younger brothers and dad. I pulled the triplets off each other before anything got too serious, hugged both Li'l and dad and said my goodbyes. As I was getting in I heard Cruella yell Carlos' name, I turned around and saw Carlos running straight towards me and by the time he had reached me, he bumped us both into the limo which had caused both of us to land on the floor with him on top of me and our lips a few metres apart. 

We stayed in that position, looking into each other eyes and Carlos turning beet red but Jay pulled Carlos away from me before our lips actually touched. We took our seats in the limo, Mal and Evie were on the left side of the seats near the divider window while I was sat in between Jay and Carlos on my left and right side. As the limo drove away we each heard our parents telling us to bring back something except for Mal, Cruella shouted 'bring back a puppy', EQ shouted 'bring back a prince', Jafar who shouted 'bring home some gold' and my dad who shouted 'bring home the pigs and riding hood'.

After some time has passed, Carlos and Jay were stuffing both of their faces with chocolate, Carlos had offered me some but I turned it down. The divided window came down and we each looked into it and realised that there wasn't any bridge, so we all screamed and held onto each other for dear life. I closed my eyes for impact but it never came but somehow a bridge had appeared out of nowhere and I forgot I was holding onto Carlos until I saw everyone looked at us with smirks and looked at him who had red cheeks again. So I removed myself from him and sat up resuming my normal position.

We kept driving until the school was in full view. As we approached the school, we could hear the band playing. When the car had stopped Carlos looked at a blue rag that was in the limo and reached for it but Jay had to also go for it, so it had resulted in them wrestling over a rag. The driver hopped out from the front seat and opened up the door to let us out. Both Jay and Carlos tumbled out of the car while still wrestling over the cloth and Evie, Male and I walked out of it like normal people.

When we hopped out in front of us there was a teenage boy who had short honey brown hair, hazel-green eyes with fair skin wearing a royal blue suit standing next to him on his left side was a girl who had dark brown hair flipped over to one side of her head with slender brown eyes who was wearing a disgusting pastel pink dress that had blue accents and standing next to her was another teenage boy with short brown hair with mono lid emerald green eyes that is deep as the coloured of the leaves and was wearing a green outfit with many shades of green on it, a brown leather belt around his hips and brown coloured cuffs on each of his wrists. Feeling a nudge from Jay when I had quickly realised that I was staring at the last boy for way to long and let out a awkward chuckle as he smirked then a short lady who had her hair up in a bun wearing a light blue shirt with a light pink undershirt.

She gave us a soft smile and started talking "welcome to Auardon Prep, I'm Fairy Godmother headmistress" she then bowed, "THE fairy godmother? As in bibbidi-bobbidi-boo?" Mal asked as she was doing the magic wand gesture. Fairy godmother replied "bibbidi-bobbidi-boo you know it" she chuckled as the boys and I exchanged  mischievous looks as we saw Mal give her a fake smile "yeah I always wondered what it felt like for Cinderella when you just appeared out of nowhere" she laughed as she continued "with that sparkly wand, warm smile and the sparkly wand!" She clapped her hands together and smiled at Fairy Godmother. "That was a long time ago! And as I always say don't focus on the past, you'll miss miss the future" she did hand gestures as the first boy stepped out beside her, "it is so nice to finally meet you all, I'm Ben" then Pinky piped in excitedly "Prince Benjamin! Soon to be king!" Evie walked up and flirty said "you had me at prince, my mom's a queen which makes me a princess" she had bowed to 'Ben' but Pinky had injected herself again "the evil queen has no royal status here and neither do you" Evie looked disappointment written across her face this Pinky had crossed a line "y'know you are starting to get on my nerves Pinky, don't insult my friends again" I said loudly through my gritted teeth earning a yelp from her hiding behind Ben.

Ben jumped in the middle to seize the tension "this is Audrey-" "Princess Audrey his girlfriend" she stated as she grabbed onto his hand while the other guy stepped up towards me "and I am Peter Pan at your service, Wolfie" he winked and smirked as he grabbed my hand and kissed the backside of it. Having the same feeling I had with Carlos in the limo before we had left the Isle, speaking of whom Carlos grabbed my hand and ripped it away from Peter's grasp and stood directly in front of me blocking Peter's view of me. Jay stood next to me and whispered "what a way to make a good first impression" he chuckled as i playfully punched his shoulder smiling. Fairy Godmother then appeared separating Ben and Pinky's hooked arms away from each other "Ben, Audrey and Peter will show you all around and I'll see you tomorrow the doors of wisdom are never shut! But the library hours are from 8 to 11 ad you may also heard that I have a little thing called curfews" we all chuckled nervously and Fairy Godmother walked away with the band following behind he.

Badwolf's daughter {Carlos De Vil x Reader x Peter Pan}Where stories live. Discover now