Chapter 35.

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"It is difficult to know at what moment love begins; it is less difficult to know that it has begun." -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Ana's POV

I wake up with a terrible headache and instantly regret drinking last night. I try to sit up but decided against it as soon as a new wave of pain rushes through my head. I clutch my head in my hands and groan in exasperation. I close my eyes and turn on my side, reckoning that it is better if I just sleep my pain away.

I try to sleep but I can't. I bleat, toss and turn on my bed, without any luck of getting sleep. I tiredly open my eyes and shift a little when my eyes catch the attention of something on the night stand. I completely turn around and squint my eyes when I see two aspirins and a glass of water. I furrow my eyebrows at them and rub my eyes with the back of my hand, trying to decipher who kept them here. The realisation hits me like a truck, it definitely was Niall.

I sit straight against the headboard of my bed and quickly take them, gulping down with the water. Soon, I feel myself relaxing and the pain starts to diminish.

It was so thoughtful of Niall to keep them here. He knew I'd have a killer headache the moment I wake up. I suddenly feel guilty about what happened yesterday. I shouldn't have said what I said. I feel culpable for whatever happened and I really want to apologize to Niall.

I understand him being mad at me but I don't like it. I hate it. I hate myself for making Niall angry at me and I hate him for being angry at me. I know it was all my fault but I did try to make it better afterwards. That was all I could do and he has to understand it. He has to know that I love him.

I pick up my purse from the nightstand and fish out my phone. I search for Niall's contact and send him a simple message.

'Hi, I wanna talk.'

I keep the phone aside and throw the sheets off of me. I stand on my feet and walk towards the kitchen. I pour myself a glass of orange juice and chug it down. After a few minutes of idling sitting at the kitchen island, I walk back to my room. I pick out a pair of white shorts and a black top along with my white undergarments and keep it on the edge of my bed. I stroll towards the bathroom and shut the door behind me. I reach down to the hem of my top and feel something soft underneath my touch. I look down to see that I'm not wearing my dress from last night but my nightdress. Niall must have changed me last night. I slowly peel off my shirt, just then realising that I'm not wearing my bra. A chill runs down my spine at the thought of him changing my clothes.

Even after our fight, he was so considerate about me. I feel like a complete nincompoop for what I said earlier. I was stupid to even think about it. Niall loves me, I had heard him, but then I go introducing him to my parents as my friend, I'm such an idiot. But now, I'll do everything in my power to win him back.

I've been so accustomed and dependent on Niall for the past couple of months that the thought of being without him sends a wild pang in my chest. I just cannot fathom the thought of being without him. I love him, the way I've never loved anyone. I love him with my heart and I know I cannot lose him. He has always been there for me and all I've ever done is hurt him. I just want to show him how much I love him and care about him and that I cannot live without him.

I strip down and step into the shower. I take a rather short shower, desperate to just be with Niall, and walk out of the bathroom after wrapping a towel around me. I dress up and take a quick look on my phone to see Niall's message.

"I'm busy at the office."

I knit my eyebrows together when I read the message. I didn't expect him to be at the office, for it's Sunday, and I know, for the matter of fact, that he doesn't work on Sundays. What if he's lying? The thought, unwillingly, comes across my mind and I shake my head at myself. I trust Niall and I know that he won't lie to me. But there's still a part of my mind which is telling me that maybe he's with someone and is lying to me.

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