Chapter 1 - Rescue

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It's been Days, you were still trapped. These aliens had taken you, your mother, and your Uncle three days go. They had locked you in a cell and were talking complete nonsense that you could barely decipher. Every night your mother prayed. Prayed that this nightmare would end, prayed that you would e safe. 

You didn't pray. You didn't speak. You didn't care. You just wanted your Mothers suffering to end. You paced back and forth in your cell when an alarm began to blare. Your mother jumped from her position, reaching an arm to you. You reached back and she embraced you. 

Suddenly, the purple lighting that had surrounded you for days went out, and the alarm stopped. Your uncle beckoned for you and your mother to look out the tiny cell window, and you did. Cell doors began to fly open, freeing other prisoners.

Finally, you could leave this wretched hellscape. You waited, but your cell door never opened. Again the life drained from your mothers eyes. You were about to follow suit, but you heard voices. NORMAL VOICES!

You scrambled to look out the window, and to your utter shock, saw two giant green alien-like creatures. You inspected them as they walked closer to your cell. Both were wearing some sort of belt. And both were wearing bandanas around their eyes. One was red, one was purple. 

As the two creatures got closer, you realized that they had Turtle-like shells. "Great!" said the red clad one sarcastically. "You missed one, genius!" you shook as they came closer, but didn't dare look away. The purple one retorted "stop hounding me! If we wanna free these humans i need silence!"

You peered still out the window, watching as the purple clad Turtle-alien began to hack the locking system. Without so much as a warning, the door to the cell fell away from you, causing you to stumble forward, straight onto the Purple clad one.

For a split second, you almost believed he was more afraid of you than you were of him. You didn't dare stream, but the red one quickly spoke "listen, you guys gotta hurry and get outta here!" he demanded, directing your still feeble mother to the exit, ushering her and your uncle to go faster. 

Your legs were frozen in place, staring at the creature in front of you, he gave a weary smile. You took into account his teeth. There was a gap in between his two front ones. It was almost dorky, almost cute. You barely realized he was speaking to me "i know im kinda scary, but you gotta get out of here!" he warned. 

You could barely nod before troops of the Aliens that had kidnapped you filed into the corridor. Still your legs wouldn't move. The Turtle creature grabbed you, scooping you into his arms to run you out of the facility. 

Once you and the rest of the people were safely out of harm's way, you started searching for the Purple clad turtle that had saved you. You saw his silhouette on top of an apartment building. You ducced into the nearby alleyway and scaled the fire escape as quickly as you could.

Once on top of the building, your jaw dropped open. There weren't just two. There were four. The two that you haven't seen were also wearing belts and bandannas, blue and orange. You heard the orange one speak. "Lets go get pizza and celebrate huh dudes?" he asked. "I'll pay" you blurted out, alerting them of your presence. 

You mentally cursed at yourself for speaking, what if they were dangerous? The purple one looked back at you, his rusty brown eyes glistening. "It's you" he said. The blue one shot the two of you a questioning glance "who is this?" he asked.

"One of the humans we rescued" said the red one. "Donnie had to open their cell door manually" "Donnie?" you repeated softly to yourself. The blue one stepped forward "we should probably introduce ourselves." he stated. "You're not going to hurt us are you?" you managed to squeak out.

"Of course not. Why would we rescue you all just to hurt you again?" you let out a sigh of relief "thank god. Oh- and thank you guys for freeing us" you thanked. Suddenly a lot less nervous around the giant Turtles. The one in blue began to introduce them. 

"Mikey, Raph, Leo, and Donnie?" you said, pointing to each turtle. "Yep!" said Leo you smiled. "Before you guys go, i have one question for you" you said tentatively they turned to look at you. "What ARE you guys?" you asked bluntly. Donnie spoke up "we're mutants. Turtle mutants to be specific" 

You nodded slowly, and then spoke again "im sure my mom and Uncle would like to thank you guys too. Please, come back to our place" after some slight deliberation, they hesitantly agreed. You climbed back down the fire escape to the ground, and began walking to your place. 

You ran into your mom and uncle on the street, running to hug them both. You looked to your mom, and then up at the rooftops. Your mother followed your gaze, as did your uncle. "it's those things that saved us," she said. You nodded. "I asked them to come to our place so we could thank them" you admitted, your mother nodded. "Of course, let's hurry" 

Once you arrived at your house, your uncle quickly opened the back door, allowing the turtles to come in discreetly. They filed in one at a time, all looking down at their feet. You mom piped up "thank you so much boys, you saved our lives." Leo spoke "please ma'am, its nothing." your mom waved for them to come in.

Soon, the smell of your mom's home cooking filled the air, your uncle was talking to the boys. Your mother's voice rang through the air, her normal cheerfulness returning to her voice "Dinner!" she burst out of the kitchen carrying a giant homemade pizza, all five boys, including your uncle, dove for the pizza, each grabbing a few slices.

Hours into the night, it was time for the Turtles to leave. Your mom and uncle had already retired to bed, so you were tasked with bidding the turtles farewell. You held open the back door as the filed out, Mikey still munching on pizza. 

"Thanks again. We really are grateful for you guys" you said. "Don't sweat it. This is what we do" raph said. As Leo, Mikey and Raph ran off into the night, Donnie held back. You looked up at him, "will i ever see you guys again?" you questioned. Donnie smiled at you, "do you want my number?" you nodded quickly. Pulling your phone out of your pocket.

Donnie put his number in your phone, smiling. "If you're ever in trouble, give us a call. And don't be afraid to text if you feel like it." Donnie explained. You nodded "thank you Donnie." you got on your tiptoes and planted a chaste kiss to Donnies cheek, before you shut the door and headed to bed. 

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