Chapter 4 - Dancing

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Almost every other week Donnie took you somewhere new. The Docks, Central Park, Times Square, chinatown. You were going to hang out with him tonight. Thank god it was friday. You pulled on a dark purple sweater over your outfit. Donnie had asked you dress nicely, but not fancy.

You sat in your backyard, waiting for Donnie to come pick you up, when you heard a horn honking out front. You ran through the house and out the front door. Waiting outside is what appears to be a heavily tagged subway car with the word "shellraiser" on the front.

The door the the thing opened, and out stepped Donnie, smiling wide. You smiled back. His smile could always cause you to smile, no matter how bad you had been feeling earlier. "Nice ride" you complimented. In turn Donnie smiled.

"Thanks! Get in!" you chuckled and stepped into the shellraiser. Your shoes hitting the metal of the floor. Leo was in the driver's seat. "So Leo's our chauffeur?" you questioned playfully. Donnie blushed, "im kidding Don!" you teased. Donnie chuckled. "Alright Leo, lets go!"

Driving through the streets of New York, Donnie smiles down at you. "Are you excited?" he asked. You smiled and nodded, "id love to know exactly where we're going though" you teased. "Can't tell you" he replied.

Suddenly, the shellraiser screeched to a stop. You jolted forward, but Donnie caught you. "Watch the breaks Leo!" he snapped. You chuckled. Donnie stood up and opened the door of the shellraiser.

You were at an abandoned warehouse halfway across town. You looked up at donnie, Confused. "You'll see." he promised, taking your hand and leading you into the building. You blushed at his touch.

Okay, you'll admit it to yourself. You may or may not have a Crush on the purple clad turtle who saved you. It was hard to admit, but you had sort of come to terms with the fact that he will never like you back.

You entered the warehouse to find that Donnie had renovated it into a makeshift Nightclub. There Were neon lights flashing, music playing, drinks and food. Everything! You smiled up at Donnie. "Is this all for me?!" you asked, Dumbfounded. Donnie rubbed the back of his neck. "Uh... y-yeah"

You jumped to hug him. "Oh thank you Donnie! Thank you!" you exclaimed, looking around. You saw out of the corner of your eye, a small Robotic turtle. Curious, you walked up to it. "Don? What's this?"

Donnie instantly perked up. "This, Dear (Y/N), is Metalhead!" you crouched to look at it. "Hes cute!" you complimented. Suddenly, Metalhead sprang to life, and held its Robotic hand out to you, which you gladly took to shake.

After meeting metalhead, Donnie hit a button on a boombox, and the music started to play. You smiled and began to dance, Donnie smiling down at ran up to him and grabbed his hands, pulling him onto the dancefloor.

You had been dancing for what only felt like a few minutes, but when you checked your phone, it was 11:30 at night. Thank god your mom knew you were in good hands. Just as you were going to tell Donnie you should be going, a slow love song began to play.

You chuckled as Donnie blushed. "Th-this song wasn't supposed to- my brothers must have-" you took Donnies hand and began to dance with him. You were both blushing at this point. Slow dancing in the neon light.

Donnie pulled you close as the song ended. Donnie spoke in a low whisper "It's getting late"


"I should take you home"


Donnie called Leo to pick you two up. He was there fairly quickly. Donnie held the door open for you as you entered, neither of you daring to say a word. Leo smiled at you when you stepped into the Shellraiser. As if he knew something you didn't.

The drive back to your house was quiet and short, but Donnie walked you to your door as Leo drove off. "Tonight was amazing Donnie" you said, a faint pink hue dusting your cheeks. Donnie nodded "thanks for coming"

Just as Donnie was about to head home, you called out. "Wait, Donnie" he turned on his heels to face you "was this a date?" you asked shyly, causing Donnie to blush. "I-i don't know. Is that something you would consider a Date?'

You nodded. Now both of you were blushing. You reached for Donnies hand and pulled him close to you. You kissed his cheek and hugged him close. You stayed that way, locked in each others arms for a solid minute.

"I really like going out with you Donnie" you admitted. "I like going out with you too (Y/N)" you looked down at your feet, then back at Donnie "well, do I not get a goodnight kiss?" you joked.

Donnie blushed. But swooped in and quickly pecked your lips, then ran off into the night. 

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