Chapter 3- Night Out

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After talking to Donnie at the restaurant for a while, he offered to take you to his favourite place in the city. You agreed. As you were about to pay for your meal, the owner of the restaurant- Mr.Murakami- told you "any friend of the turtles eats free. Please enjoy your night. You too Donatello-San" you felt bad for eating free, so you left a ten dollar bill on the counter.

Donnie lead you up the side of a building, "you didn't have to leave him that money you know" he said. "Yes i did. And besides, he needs it more than I do"  you couldn't see that clearly, but Donnie smiled. 

Once on top of the building, Donnie held out his hand. "Do you trust me?" he asked. You looked at him confused. "What?" he asked again, "Do you trust me?" you slowly took his hand "yes?" once you grabbed on, he pulled you close and scooped you up bridal style, then began running and jumping across rooftops. 

Terrified, you wrapped your arms around is shell, holding on for dear life. "I'm not gonna drop you (Y/N) i promise" you were still a little scared, but you loosen your grip a small bit and looked up, at the city lights flying around you.

Slowly but surely, you came to a stop. "You can let go of me now" Donnie whispered. You shivered. His breath was directly on your neck. You shook the feeling away and let do of Donnie. Looking around at your surroundings. The view was beautiful.

Lights of every colour surrounded your vision, the skyline visible against the sunset. You sighed "Oh Donnie!" you exclaimed, pulling him in for a tight hug "its beautiful!" Donnie smiled "I thought you would like it," he replied. "You seem like the kind of girl who appreciates the little things in life."

You Haven't smiled this much since before you got kidnapped. You pulled your phone out and snapped a few photos, then turned to Donnie. "Take a selfie with me!" Donnie smiled. "Alright" you pulled him close to you and snapped a few photos.

Donnie pulled out his phone too, you chuckled when you saw it was shaped like a turtle shell. He took a few photos too, and then he looked at you, looking out at the skyline as the final seconds of daylight seeped past the horizon. "Hold that pose" he said. You complied, and saw Donnies flash go off.

"Did you take a picture of me?" you asked. Donnies face flushed red, and he started stuttering "well you looked so pretty- i mean the scenes- I mean" you had to cut him off "its okay. Im flattered really." you smiled, then checked the time on your phone "it's getting late, I should probably head home now" you admitted

Donnie looked down at you "is your mom going to be worried?" he asked. You shook your head. "No, she knows im in good hands" again Donnie's face flushed. "Well, do you need a ride?" Donnie jokes, holding his hand out once more. You chuckled and nodded, taking his hand.

Once more you flew across the rooftops of New York, only this time you looked, streaks of white flew across your vision as Donnie ran, you in his arms, across the skyline, to your house. He walked you to your backdoor, where your uncle was relaxing. He greeted Donnie as he went inside, leaving you two alone. 

"I had fun tonight" you admitted, looking down at your feet coyly. "So did i" Donnie said. You looked up at him and smiled. He smiled back, showing you his gap-Tooth. You chuckled, "I'd like to do this again sometime" "me too... are you free tomorrow night" you nodded "It's a date!" Donnie flushed again, you chuckled.

You grabbed his shoulder strap and pulled him down to kiss is cheek. As soon as your lips made contact you felt his face heat up. "See you tomorrow night Don" you said, voice low, "text me where t meet you" you waved and walked into your house, leaning against the door as you closed it.

Your mom was waiting for you in the living room "how did your Date with Donnie go?" she questioned, talking over the tv. "I-it wasn't a date!" you stuttered, obviously blushing. Your mom just laughed at you. You walked into your room and smiled, laying down on our bed. Eventually, you drifted off to sleep.

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