Chapter 8 - Back Home

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It was still early when you entered town again, so you and Donnie needed to take a lot of backroads and Alleyways to get you back home. You didn't mind of course, but you wished it wasn't the case.

Donnie pulled his go-Kart back into its hiding spot and proceeded to walk you home. Well... carry you home. Of course, you didn't mind, but ou blushed the whole time me had you in his arms.

Once in the secluded safety of your backyard, Donnie gently placed you on the ground. "I guess ill be seeing you" you said, smiling like a dope. Donnie of course smiled back, then pulled you into a hug. You squeezed him tight, your arms around his neck, pulling him down to you.

"Text me as soon as you get home" you demanded. "Of course (Y/N)" Donnie replied, pulling away from the hug. Before he could pull too far away, you leaned in to kiss felt him smile into the kiss as he pulled you closer.

"Well, well, well"

You pulled away from each other the moment you heard your mother's voice. "Mom- its not-" she laughed. "I'll leave you two alone."she turned away. Donnie's face was practically steaming. "Sorry about her Don. he has no concept of privacy."

Donnie shook his head. "No, i should probably be getting home. Im sure my brothers are expecting me" he kissed you quickly "ill tell them you said hi" he stated before finally running off.

You walked into your house, trying to find your mom. "Well. I think it's safe to say that you and Donnie made up quite nicely" she chuckled. You blushed "Jesus mom! Haven't you ever heard of privacy?!" you shouted. Again she laughed.

"Don't worry! I knew what was going on! Donnie told me everything before you left!" she admitted, smirking smugly at you. You opened your mouth to speak but couldn't find the words. You just blushed.


"That's him now" you huffed, dragging your bag with you as you stormed off to your room. You threw your bag into your closet and flopped on your bed. Pulling your phone out s you laid on your back.

"Made it home safe <3"

You smiled and texted back


You and Donnie texted back and forth for a few hours before you knew they boys had to go on patrol.

'We'll pay you guys a visit later tonight if thats okay with your mom'

'Of course it's okay!'

You shouted down to your mom, telling her the boys were going to be stopping by. She replied "ill get working on the pizza" you laughed at your moms enthusiasm. You looked down at your phone, one more text from Donnie.

'Want us to pick up anything for you?'

'No thanks'

Before long, the smell of pizza was wafting through the air of your house, your stomach began to growl. You pulled out your phone again, and started watching videos on the internet.

Cats, gameplays, memes, music videos. Soon you were dancing around your room to "Don't Lose Your Head" from the musical SIX. throwing your head around and mouthing the words. You had the music cranked up to eleven.

You turned and jumped around your room, but froze when you saw Donnie leaning against your doorframe. "Having fun?" he teased. You blushed and playfully smacked him. "When did you get here? How much did you see?"

"About five minutes ago, and all of it" he laughed. You couldn't help but smile. "We should go down and eat before Mikey eats everything" Donnie offered his hand, which you gladly took. You walked downstairs together and greeted the rest of the guys.

"If you wanted, Ms (L/N), we could teach (Y/N) some basic self defense" you heard Leo say. "I'm up for that!" you said, announcing your presence. Mikey immediately shot up to hug you, and you hugged back. "Alright Mikey, you can let me go now." your mom laughed.

"I'd be okay with you boys teaching (Y/N) some self defense!" your mom chirped, clapping her hands together. Your uncle nodded. "Take her for as long as ya want, we don't need her back" he teased. You and your mom shot him a playful glare as the boys laughed.

You and the turtles spent hours talking. You and Donnie getting closer with every passing minute. Soon enough, your mom and uncle retired to bed. Leaving you to once again, walk the boys out.

You stood in the doorway, making sure the boys had the tupperware of pizza you had packed for them. Once they assured that yes, they did have it. They began saying their goodbyes. Leo waved, Raph gave you a fist bump and mikey gave you a hug. Donnie was the last to say goodbye.

"I'll see you soon 'kay Donnie?" Donnie nodded. You pulled him in for a hug, which he gladly returned. "Text me when you get home" you said, smiling. "Will do (Y/N) Mikey assured. You smiled wide, then pulled Donnie in for a kiss.

He obviously wasn't expecting you to kiss him in front of his brothers, because the moment you made contact he started burning up. You pulled away from the kiss fairly quickly, your own cheeks dusted with pink.

"No way" you heard Raph say. "He did it. He actually did it!" he teased. You looked a Donnie "you didn't tell them?" he shook his head "when I got home I was so caught up in everything it may have slipped my mind" he admitted. You smiled. "Well I guess actions speak louder than words huh?"

This time you both leaned in for the kiss, and again you felt Donnie smiling. This kiss lasted much longer than the last one. "I'll see you soon okay?" you said as the Turtles began to leave, waving back at you.

Once they were essentially out of sight, you walked up to your room, being sure to lock the back door.


You looked down at your phone. A text from Donnie.


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