Chapter 14 - Patrol Night

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You and Donnie were hanging out in the lounge. You were talking and joking. Donnie's laugh was music to your ears, ringing loud throughout the Lair. You were having so much fun you lost track of time, and before you knew it, it was time to go on patrol.

"Suit up everyone, we leave in ten" Leo ordered. You rolled your eyes, but complied, gearing up for patrol. You grabbed your Bo and jogged to the turnstile. 'I'm ready!" you cheered. Donnie looked at you with worry in his eyes.

'Donnie? Is something wrong?" you asked, reaching for his hand. "Are you sure you want to come with us?" Donnie asked. "Last time you went on a mission you got hurt." you couldn't help but chuckle. "Yes I want to come with you guys. And the cut I got last time wasn't even that bad." you countered

Donnie took a deep breath, letting himself relax. "I just don't want you getting hurt, or worse." you smiled. "I'll stay close to you guys the whole time okay? I'll be extra careful" you promised, looking up at Donnie's worried eyes. He gave you a small smile. "Alright then, lets go" Leo called.

You all ran out of the lair and to the surface, quickly scaling buildings to soar over rooftops as you searched for trouble. You enjoyed the feeling of the wind on your face. The cold night air of New York flying through your hair as you soared across the rooftops.

You had been running around the city for an hour before you heard a car alarm go off. You looked toward the direction of the flashing lights. Three young asian men were standing by the car, an older white male pinned to the hood.

"Purple dragons" you heard Leo whisper. You repeated the name. "You mean that gang that's got territory all over the west side?" you asked. Leo nodded. "Lets get em then!" you half- yelled. "There's a human here (Y/N) we can't just jump in" Leo warned.

"You guys can't, but I can!" you said. "I'll be quick, get the guy unpinned and get him to where he can't see you guys. Then you beat up those three dopes" Donnie shot you a look. "What happened to being careful?" "I will be Don!" you called as you snuck down to the scene.

Lucky for you, the leader guy and the big guy were preoccupied with trying to crack the guy's trunk open, so you could take out the one holding him down quickly. Staying in the shadows, you swept his legs with your Bo, then pulled him into the shadows.

Lucky for you, the guy he was pinning down saw his chance to run and took it, leaving an opportunity for turtles to come help you. You were currently fighting with the one guy when the other two finally noticed you.

Just as the leader was about to say something, Donnie jumped in between you and him, fighting him off. You thanked your lucky stars as you landed a good hit on the thug in front of you, sending him flying backwards.

"Nice hit (Y/N)!" you heard Raph cheer, giving you a thumbs up. You smiled and turned back to the thug, he was rubbing his head and trying to stand up. Yo had really hit him hard. While he was distracted, you jabbed him in the stomach ith the blunt end of your staff, knocking the wind out of him.

You turned to look at the turtles, who were all fighting the other two thugs. Leo landed a great hit on the leader, who stumbled back. "Lets get outta here!" the leader shouted, running off with his minions in tow.

"Yes!" you shouted. Donnie looked at you celebrating. "You did good (Y/N)!" he complimented. You smiled sheepishly and began scaling the nearby building. Leo spoke up. "Well i think that's all the trouble they're gonna dare cause tonight. Let's go home guys" 

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