Chapter 25 - Not the Same

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Raph had to drag you away from Donnie's body

You had to be held down on the ride back to the lair.

Your mom had to restrain you from going into the lab.

It took hours for you to calm down, to stop screaming. When you did, you were silent. You didn't let go of your mom. Donnie was in the lab, everyone but you, your mom, and Casey was tending to him.

Casey asked you what happened, but you didn't bother answering. And even if you wanted to, the only thing that you could think of was the fact that your boyfriend was dying. He was dying and there was nothing you could do about it.

"Your uncle worked as an Army surgeon," your mom reminded. "Donnie will be fine sweetie" you stared blankly at a concrete wall, tracing the cracks with your eyes. You wanted to believe your mom, but it was hard, considering what you had seen.

"Don't raise my hopes, mom" you mumbled, not even blinking. Your mom gave you a concerned look, wrapping her arms around your shoulders. You didn't even flinch, your mind racing a million miles an hour, preparing for the worst.

It wasn't long before the exhaustion from the past few hours took its hold on you, causing your eyelids to go heavy. You tried to fight against it, struggled against the comforting weight of sleep, but you lost this internal battle and fell asleep.

You woke up to Leo shaking your shoulder gently. He smiled wearily at you as you sat up. You took a deep breath. "Who covered me from the explosion?" you asked quietly.

"Mikey did, don't worry though, he's okay" you nodded, bringing your legs up onto the couch. "Is Donnie gonna be okay?" you asked hesitantly. You braced for the worst, there was no way Donnie was going to be okay after what happened to him.

"He's gonna live."

Hearing that instantly cheered you up, you were ecstatic. "Oh thank god!" you cried, tears threatening to spill from your eyes.

"He lost most of his left arm though, We're lucky your uncle is a surgeon. If it wasn't for him Don wouldn't be doing nearly as good as he is now. He's all stitched up and healing. But we don't know when he's gonna wake up"

You nodded in understanding. "Did- did the tower go down?" you asked, referring to the mission.

"No, because Donnie took the blast head on, everyone was saved"

"Thank god"

Leo looked at you with a sympathetic smile. He placed a hand on your shoulder before standing up and going into the lab. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. 'Donnies okay' you thought 'he's gonna be okay'

Eventually, you were allowed to see Donnie. You walked cautiously into the lab, where your uncle was replacing some of Donnie's bandages "hey, squirt" he said, his normal joking tone nowhere to be found. "Hey" you gave back warily.

Donnie has severe scarring on the left half of his face, his left arm was missing, and who knew what kind of internal damage had been done. A few tears managed to sneak their way out, but you kept a strong hold. You had to. For Donnie.

"He saved so many lives" you whispered, grabbing hold of his hand. "He didn't have to, but he did, and it almost cost him his life" you turned your head when you heard the door to the lab slide open.

Your mom and Master Splinter were standing at the door. "(Y/N)?" you looked up, then followed as they gestured for you to leave the lab. You followed as they lead you into the Dojo.

"Honey," your mom began as Splinter handed you a cup of tea. "Splinter and I were talking, and he thinks it would be best for you to stay until Donnie wakes up" she gave you a weary smile.

"I think," Splinter began "that it would be best if you healed spiritually, here, with us" he took a sip from his cup of tea. "If you would be willing"

You looked at your mom for approval, and when she gave you a curt nod, you agreed to stay at the Lair.

Master Splinter planned daily meditations for you, to heal your spirit while you waited for Donnie to wake up. You were in the middle of a meditation one day when you heard Leo yell from the lab "DONNIE!"

you bolted up, running as fast as you could to the lab. Donnie was sitting upright on the operation table where he had spent the last week, his eyes were sunken and dull, and his skin had a greyish undertone to it.

"Donnie" you whispered, covering your mouth as you cried. He turned his head and met your gaze "(Y/N)... you're okay!" He cried.

"I'm okay?! You almost got yourself killed you dolt!" You yelled as you ran to him, wrapping your arms around his neck. "I thought you were gonna die"

"I did too"

Donnie asked, his voice cracking, if the mission was a success. Leo nodded, confirming that the neighbourhood had been saved. "Thank god"

You turned your heads when Master Splinter entered the lab, carrying a tray of food and water. "Please eat my son. You need to regain your strength"

Donnie nodded but did not reach out of the food. "Don, you gotta use your right arm" you reminded, causing Donnie to look down at his left side, almost as if he forgot.

"Right," he let out a breathy chuckle before reaching for the tray. "I'm sorry my uncle could save your arm" you apologized.

Donnie looked at you in confusion, "your uncle?" he asked, cocking his head to the side. You nodded, helping Donnie with his tray. "He was a surgeon in the army," you clarified. "I owe him my life" Donnie replied quietly.

Neither you nor anyone else left Donnie's side for the rest of the day, helping him around the lair, helping him grab things. By the end of the day, however, it was just you and Donnie, laying together in his bed.

"Are you sure you're okay?" he asked for what was probably the four-hundredth time. "Donnie, who cares about me, all I care about is that you're okay" you replied as you sank further into the pile of blankets and boyfriend that was beneath you.

"It sucks that I have to go back to school tomorrow" you complained as Donnie ran his fingers through your hair. "Yeah, I know, but you don't want to miss more school than you already have"

You both chucked at Donnie's comment, before drifting off to a peaceful sleep.

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