Chapter 24 - Final Battle

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The two days passed both terrifyingly quickly and painstakingly slowly. You were glad that your mom and uncle finally got to meet master Splinter, but you knew the amount of responsibility that was looming over your shoulders.

You and the boys trained restlessly. You barely slept, but it didn't really matter when you did, because whenever you closed your eyes, every bad outcome played on repeat in your mind. You donated your bed to Casey, as you took to lying awake with Donnie instead.

When the moment finally came, you hugged your mom, your uncle, and even Casey. They were relying on you. And you knew that even one mess-up could mean disaster.

You waved a final goodbye as the doors of the shellraiser closed, separating you and your family for what you feared would be the final time. You sat by Donnie as he navigated the team to the water tower.

Shredder and his team of goons were already there, planting the bomb that could kill so many people. In the back of your mind, you questioned how in the hell nobody noticed the giant mutant zombie dog just waltzing around the neighbourhood.

You looked to Leo, almost in one last confirmation of the plan. He gave you and the rest of the team a nod, and you sprung into action.

You and Donnie powered through foot bots. Tearing through the robotic ninjas with ease as you closed in on the ticking bomb. You stood guard, fighting away anything that would come close to Donnie as he attempted to defuse the bomb.

You had just taken down the last foot bot when Mikey cried out. Donnie seemed like he was doing fine on his own, so you ran over to help.

Fishface had Mikey pinned against a wall, but you weren't having it. You smacked him upside the head with the blunt end of your bo.

"Hey sushi-brain!" you yelled, distracting him "pick on someone your own size!" you jabbed him as he turned, then Mikey knocked him over the head with his nunchucks. He went down like a pile of bricks.

You looked around at the battlefield. Your eyes locked on Rahzar. You were determined to take this undead bitch down.

You charged onto the scene, only stopping yourself a few feet away from Leo and Raph. you were not going to make the same mistake as last time. You removed one of the shurikens from your bet and hurled it as hard as you could at Rahzar's ugly mug.

It hit exactly where you were aiming. Right between his eyes. It only took a few more blows from Leo and Raph to send him running with his tail between his legs.

The Foot clan was retreating. You had won! Now the only remaining task was to defuse the bomb.

Everyone ran to Donnie, who was still working on the mechanism. You were no more than five feet away when the explosion hit.

Someone tackled you to the ground, Shielding you from the blast. The explosion sent shrapnel everywhere, pattering down onto the battlefield like metallic rain.

Once the shrapnel stopped raining from the sky, you pushed your way out from under whoever was shielding you. Your ears rang. You ran to Donnie. Screaming his name, although you were sure he couldn't hear it.

And there he was, a bright, slick crimson coating his entire left side

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