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Evelyn Moon:

She is 18 right now and has a dream of becoming a singer. She is currently in high school and is trying to pursue her drama. She is a major klutz, runs into moving and non-moving objects. Evelyn sarcastic but is too obvious about it so she is horrible with using traits that runs in her family. She tells terrible jokes then laughs about then and talks all the time. She had brown eyes and brown hair (Dianna Argon).

Her surrounding nature kills off any and all possibilities of trying to look on the bright side of life. She tends to stick around her friends instead of staying home with her so called family. Her family is always working constantly, and she doesn't really get the attention a teenage girl needs. Sure she gets the money but that is not what she wants or needs. She wants a family who will sit and eat around the dinner table asking, "How was your day?" Her father was murdered by one of his co-workers. Her mother is always at work so she doesn't really get those heart-to- heart conversations like most people can. Her brother isn't really around since her father was murdered, because to him his mother doesn't love them like they should and used to. While trying to be a real somebody in life, she is trying to find her lost brother. So that is the sum up of Evelyn Moon.

Alice Knight:

She is turning 18 in a month and is hoping to become a dancer for Evelyn. She is a senior in high school just hoping to et a good job and become successful in life. She is a bit klutzy and constantly having blonde moments. She passes the classes that she is taking as if it were a fly by to her. She is the witty person of her family and acts just her father. She is also very sarcastic and is always using the trait with ease. She talks all the time and her talking is sometimes compared to the Energizer Bunny, on going, never ends. Alice has brown hair and brown eyes also (Ashley Greene).

Alice's surrounding nature is always getting distracted by something. Her family was a normal family. Her mom died in a car crash when she was 13. She got along with her mom a lot better than her dad. After her mom died in the car crash, her dad started abusing alcohol. She had no one to talk to since she was an only child. She went through puberty with no one to talk about it with. Her dead and her fight a lot. Her dad makes the stupidest choices ever.She blames her moms death on herself. Her dad blames her moms death on her. She didn't know what would be the consequences of her mom dropping of cupcakes to school while she should be at work. She wishes she could have her normal family back. Everyday after school, she has to run away from her so called alcoholic father. She gets good grades so she can get out of the hell hole she lives in. Alice is living in the hell hole.


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Also for extra cookie points you guys can go and read our books:

I_Am_A_Turtle34: Let Me In, Heartless

Pegasus_Wing_18: Talk To Me, Why Me?, Fall For You, and Dreams.

Please guys try to spread the word of the story and our other works. Try your hardest to spread the books around. As Katie would say, Smile everyday and keep on turtling. And what Mackenzie as in what I would say, Be a Narwhal you tortoises and smiley faces are cuter with a nose.

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