Chapter 2

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Roni's POV:

The next morning I wake up to my annoying alarm clock going off. I groan and slam the off button down. Sighing I haul myself out of bed and into my kitchen I quickly make myself a cup of coffee before heading to my bathroom.

I quickly do my skin care and brush my teeth before brushing out my wavy hair and throwing it into a pony then braiding it. I quickly apply some concealer, mascara, and lip gloss before walking out of my bathroom and towards my closet.

I grab a pair of black, ripped, skinny jeans, a grey crop top, and some black boots. Smiling at my appearance I grab my bag and my leather jacket and head out to where I'm meeting nat with a jet. I ride my bike there and smile when I get off and see my favorite female assassin.

"Hey Nat." I say, getting off my bike and hugging her. "Hey Roni, ready?" She asks me. I nod. We get onto the jet, her in the pilots seat and me in the co-pilots seat. We quickly fly to where the helicarrier is, talking the whole way.

Once we've set down and all the checks are done we head to the two newly landed jet. One of which, Captain America himself is stepping out of. Coulson is right behind him. "Agents Romanoff and Stark, Captain Roger." Coulson introduces. "Madams." Cap says.

"Hey." I say, grinning. " Hi. Fury wants you on the bridge. They're starting the face trace." Nat says. Coulson nods and heads towards the bridge. "There was quite the buzz around here, finding you in the ice. I thought Coulson was gonna swoon." Nat says.

"Has he asked you to sign his Captain America trading cards yet?" I ask, grinning. "Trading cards?" He asks. "Their vintage, he's very proud." I say. Then Cap gets a glimpse of Dr. Bruce Banner. An old friend of mine. They talk for a little bit before Nat decides it's time to go inside.

"You fellas might want to get inside, it's gonna get pretty hard to breath." Nat says, walking away. I stay where I am, waiting on the two men. Once they realize that we actually have to get inside, Banner speeds ahead of us and Steve walks by my side. "Agent Stark, correct?" He asks.

"Yeah, but please, call me Roni. Everyone does." I say. "So Stark, are you-" "Yes, Howard Stark was my father." I say. "He was a good man." He says. "I know." I say. With that the rest of the walk was silent.

When we get onto the bridge of the ship I feel something press into the palm of my hand. I look down to see a ten dollar bill and Captain Rogers putting his wallet up. Smirking I say, "You like it? It's my own design." I say. "It's amazing." He says.

Smiling I walk away from him and over to where Nat is. She is looking at a screen with Clint's face on it. I block out most of the conversation, focusing on the screen. Where are you Barton? I'm pulled out of my head when I head Fury say my name.

"Agent Stark, will you please show Dr. Banner to his laboratory?" He asks. I nod, standing up. "You'll love it doc. My lab's got all the toys." I say, leading him to my personal lab. When we get to the lab I show him where everything is. Suddenly my com comes on.

"Agent Stark, gear up. Meet Romanoff and Rogers in the hanger in five." Fury says. "I'll be back later doc." I say, rushing to exit the lab. I go to my personal quarters and grab my suit. Changing into it I grab my weapons and run to the hanger. Nat and Steve are there waiting for me.

"Where are we going?" I ask. "Germany." Nat says. Sighing I follow the two on board the jet and sit in the co-pilots seat. We make the trip the Stuttgart, Germany just in time. As we fly over the gala Loki is aiming his scepter at an old man. "Cap!" I call.

"I got him." He says, jumping out of the jet and in front of the man right before the blast hits him. We fly into position. "Loki, drop the weapon and stand down!" I call over the intercom. Right as I finish he sends a blast our way and we swerve to dodge it.

With that Cap and Loki begin their fight. After awhile Nat and I decide we can't get a shot off at this guy. "This guy's all over the place." She says. Suddenly AC/DC's 'Shoot to Thrill' starts playing and I roll my eyes.

"Roni, Agent Romanoff, did you two miss me?" I hear my arrogant brother say over the PA system. The he flies in, shooting Loki directly in the chest. Then he pulls out different guns and missiles from his suit. "Make your move Reindeer Games." He says.

Loki puts his hands up in surrender. "Good move." He says, putting away the ammo. Then the two men bring the Norse god onto the jet. I avoid eye contact with my brother. I haven't seen him in years and I don't want to see him now.

"Ready to head home?" I ask Nat, checking all the gears. "Ready when you are." She says. With that we take off back towards the helicarrier. The first part of the ride was silent. That is until the Captain speaks up. "I don't like it." He says. "What? Rock of Ages giving up so easily?" Tony asks.

"Yeah, well I don't remember it being that easy." Cap says. "Still, you are pretty spry, for an older fellow. What's your secret? Pilates?" Tony asks. "What?" "It's kind of like calisthenics. You missed a couple of things, you know, doing time as a Capsicle." Tony says.

"Fury didn't say that he was bringing you in." Cap says. "There's a lot of things Fury doesn't tell you." Tony says. "Where is this coming from?" Nat asks, referring to the suddenly lightning storm we're having. "I have no idea." I say.

I hear the boys talking in the back, but I don't acknowledge them, that is, until something lands on our roof. "What the hell was that?" I ask. I hear movement behind me and I know the boys are suiting up. Then I hear the back hatch opening. "What are you doing?" Cap asks.

I hear Tony's blasters ready to fire, but they never do and I a metal hitting metal thunk behind me. I hear a seat belt breaking and a whooshing sound, then nothing. I turn behind me to see Loki gone and Tony just getting up. "And now there's that guy." Tony says.

"Another Asguardian?" Nat asks. "Think this guy is friendly?" Cap asks. "Doesn't matter." I say. "If he frees Loki or kills him, the Tesseract's lost." Tony says. "Stark, we need a plan of attack." Cap says. "I have a plan, attack." Tony says before flying out of the jet.

I hear Cap mumble something before reaching for a parachute. "I'd sit this one out Cap." I say. "I don't see how I can." Cap says. "These guys come form legends, they're basically gods." Nat says.

"There's only one God ma'am, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress like that." Steve says before jumping out of the jet. "Come on, let's go find them." I say. With that, me and Nat turn to jet around.

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