Chapter 22

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Roni's POV:

Darkness. And endless abyss that I've been trapped in for God knows how long. I hear people come and go, people talking, and also just the silence of the room when it is unoccupied by a conscious person.

From what I can tell from people coming and going, it's been two years since the airport fight and I have yet to wake up. I honestly have given up on trying to wake myself up. I've tried time again, and yet it evades me. All of a sudden something starts tingling inside of me.

Confused, I try to move my still hang, but nothing happens. Resigning to this I disregard the feeling. That is, until a I see a bright light. Sitting up, I'm confused. I'm not awake, I can tell that. I'm also wearing what appears to be a spotless white hospital gown.

"Hello." I try, my voice horse. "Hello Veronica." A female voice calls back. I don't see anyone so I try again. "Who are you? Where am I?" I ask. "You're in your head Veronica, as am I. And I go by Dahlia." "What's going on?" "You've been chosen."

As this is said a beautiful girl with white blonde hair and blue eyes steps out. "Chosen for what exactly?" I ask. A white bench appears behind me as the girl walks closer. "Please, sit. There is much to discuss." She says. We both sit and I to face her. "Chosen for what?" I ask again.

She smiles softly at me. "To tell you that, I must explain to you what exactly I am and why this whole thing pertains to you." She says. I nod for her to go on. I'm am just so confused with everything going on right now.

"Millions of years ago, when the universe was first born, there were the six Infinity Stones. Do you know of them?" She asks. "Of course, very little though. There's Mind, Space, Time, Power, Reality, and Soul. Thor explained them when ever Vision was created." I say.

"Well, their creation caused a shift in the darkness that was the universe. When it was created, the universe needed something of equal power, something only the purest of hearts could posses that was just as powerful. So, I am the seventh stone. The Cosmic Stone." She says.

My eyes widen. "What? How have I never heard of a Cosmic Stone?" I ask her. "Like I said, only the purest of hearts can posses me. Like the Reality Stone isn't necessarily a stone, but a sludge like substance, I am a living being, able to live inside someone who would only use me for good."

"So, when you connect with someone, you basically are another living creature inside of them?" I ask. "I become part of them, two beings, one body." She says. "Well why are here?" I ask. "Two months ago, I was on a planet called Meridia, residing inside a young girl by the name of Nalea."

I nod for her to continue. "She was pure of heart like all my hosts have been, but very young. When Thanos attacked her planet we stood up to him, but, since I don't put my full power in any of my hosts, she was killed and I was left to find another host. Then I found you." She says.

"Me? Why?" I ask. "I've had time to evaluate your life Veronica Stark. You are a girl who seeks peace. Who kills only when necessary. You fight for what you believe in and analyze what you're doing to make sure it is the correct option. You are pure of heart." She says. I shake my head.

"You've made a mistake." "I never make mistakes my dear. And now I have chosen you as the protector of the Cosmic Infinity Stone." She says. "I can't. You see like I am? I'm a comatose patient. I couldn't protect you even if I wanted to." I say.

"That's because you've only tried to wake up using human ways." "What does that mean?" I ask. "It means, you are an special person. Enhanced. You're more powerful than you realize. That power is what will wake you up." She says. "And what if I don't want to wake up?" I ask.

"You will once you hear my news. You may be scared of the repercussions of your last battle, but you've always had your friends and family at the forefront of your life. The man who killed my last host, and half of her planet is finding the other six stones." She says. My eyes widen.

"What happens if he gets them?" I ask. "He means to use the other stones to wipe out half of the universe." She says. My eyes widen. "What? Why?" I ask. "He believes the universe is over populated and needs to be balanced." "Wait, if he's going after the other stones then-"

"Yes, your friend, Vision, is in danger. So is everyone else. They will protect him at all costs meaning going against Thanos' army and even, eventually, Thanos himself." She says. I let that sink in, then I think back to something else.

"Why didn't you give Nalea all of your power? I mean, if you have the power to destroy the other stones, why didn't you just give Nalea the power to do it?" I ask. Why didn't she end it on Meridia when she had the chance?

"Much like the other stones, if I gave a mortal being all of my power, they would die before they could even kill Thanos. The power would be too much for them." She says. I nod, understanding. I start thinking over everything else.

"I know you explained why you chose me, I don't think I'm the right person." I say. "Veronica, the best choices are usually the less thought over." She says. "I don't understand." I say, trying to comprehend what she's saying.

"The more you think of something, the less appealing it becomes to you. I looked at your heart, and knew instantly that you were the one. I didn't think it over, I listened to my heart. Much like you did whenever followed Steve Rogers, or took on the responsibility of destroying Sokovia."

"Still not following." "Every hard decision you've made, you've made it because you just knew it was the right think to do. Quick and impulsive. So despite what you think, I know you are the right choice for my host. But, alas, I can only become one with you, if you allow it." She says.

I stare down at my hands and let out a breath before looking back up at her. "Keep in mind, if I enter you then you will only be in possession of half of my power, the rest is up to you with your powers." She says and I nod, continuing to think it over. Finally I come to a decision.

"Ok. Now, how do I wake up?"

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