Chapter 7

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Roni's POV:

"I'll get it." I tell, Nat. She nods. I quickly make my way down to the other level by shooting an arrow across and zip lining down to the main level. I quickly grab it then scale back to the top. "Here." I tell Nat, handing her the scepter.

I go back to the computer, typing in different codes to make sure that as soon as the portal is closed that it can't be opened again from this device. "There, right at the crown." Selvig says, telling Nat where to put the scepter.

"I can close it, can anybody copy, I can shut the portal down." She says. "Do it!" Steve says. "Wait." Tony says. "Stark these things are still coming. "I've got a nuke coming in and I know right where to put it." He says. My eyes widen. "Tony no, that's a one way trip." I say.

"I know kid." He says sadly. "I swear don't don't you dare thi-" "But I can hear him shut off my line. "Tony! Damn it!" I scream, sinking down into a crouch, hands clutching my head. I see Tony fly past us towards the portal. "TONY!" I scream. But he can't hear me.

Tears start to fall from my eyes when he disappears into the portal. There's a bright light and all the aliens fall down, dead. "Come on Stark." Nat mutter, praying she doesn't have to close the portal with him still up there. The blast is getting to close the entry point. "Close it." Steve says.

I sink my head down to my hands and start crying more. Now shoves the scepter all the way to the crown, effectively closing the portal. I look up to the sky. Right before it closes completely Tony fall through. I laugh is happiness, but my laughter stops when I see he isn't slowing down.

I race to the edge of the building only to see the Hulk catch him before he hits the ground. "Steve is he ok?" I ask, worried. There's no reply and my heart stops for a spit second. Then the com crackles on. "He's fine Roni. We're all good." He says. I let out a sigh of relief and sit down.

Nat comes over and sit next to me. I smile and hug her tightly. "We're all good." I mutter. "Meet us in the main area of the top floor, we have to deal with Loki." Steve says. I nod. "On it." I say. Nat and I stand up. "Stay here until we send someone for you Dr. Selvig." I tell him.

He nods and Nat and I slowly make our way down to the main area of the level. There Loki is on the ground in a crater, knocked out. we wait for the others to get there. When they do we get into position facing Loki.

Nat with the scepter, Steve with his shield, Thor with his hammer, Tony with his suit, the Hulk, Clint with his bow knocked with an arrow, and me with my bow staff turned on, standing between Thor and Steve. Loki then starts to stir. When he sees us he groans.

"If it's all the same to you, I'll have that drink right about now." He says. The Hulk growls. After that we make sure he is handed off to the proper authority, Thor going with them to make sure he's secure. "Come on, let's head back to my place and get a drink." I tell the other. They all nod.

"I'm gonna go with Thor, but we'll meet you there." Tony says. I nod and the others and I walk out of the building. We wait a little bit for Bruce to come back before I get Shiela to get us a car here and we drive back to my apartment with is thankfully untouched.

We walk in and they all sit in the living room while I go to my liquor cabinet and get everything out for everyone. Once I do that I call them to make their own drinks. Not long after Thor and Tony walk into the apartment and help themselves.

Thor only took a glass and filled it with Asgardian liquor. Doesn't bother me. "You all can use my shower if y'all need to. Also, if you all are staying here I have one guest room and the others can stay on the couch. The bathroom is down the hall to the right."

I go to leave but then remember something. "If you need clothes look in the cabinets in the guest bedroom which is right next to the bathroom." I say, existing the room. I clean my cup before going into my room and through there to my bathroom.

I leave my weapons near the door and undress, throwing my dirty uniform into a bin and climbing into the shower. After my shower I get out and wrap a towel around myself. I exit the bathroom and go to my drawers.

I grab a blue sweater, grey pj shorts, and grey socks, slipping them on I throw my hair into a messy bun and put on my glasses. I walk back into the living room. Thor, Clint, and Steve look freshly showered while Bruce is gone and Tony and Nat are still dirty.

"I'm gonna use your shower." She says, leaving towards my room. "Feel free to use my clothes." I say. She nods and closes the door behind her. Soon Clint and Nat are out and Tony quickly showers.

They decided that Tony can have the guest bedroom, Nat is sleeping with me, Thor, Steve, and Clint are going to try to fit on the couch, and Bruce is going to sleep on an air mattress in the floor.

Soon they are all asleep in the living room and guest bedroom and Nat and I are still up, in the kitchen finishing dishes. "What do you think of this team?" I ask her. "What do you mean?" She asks. "I mean, do you think it's going to last?" I ask. 

"I don't know. We are kind of an odd bunch. But, from what I can tell, this team will exist when it needs to. We'll be there for each other when we can be. Things might go to hell, but we'll still be here. I can see this turning into a real family." She says softly. 

"Me too, and that's what scares me. Everyone I get close to gets hurt or dies. LikE Phil." I say. "Hey, I know how you feel. I've always been on my own. You and Clint are the only true family I've ever had and the though of more people to disappoint scares me." I nod in agreement.

"But we need to think of the good things that can come from this. We aren't just going to be fighting for ourselves, we'll be fighting for people who would fight for us. That's something we're not used to." She says. I nod. 

"Come on, let's get some rest. There's a lot of things going on tomorrow." I say. She nods and we head back to my room. As soon as my head hits the pillow, exhaustion takes over and I am out like a light. 

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