Chapter 6

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Roni's POV:

"These were in Coulson's pocket, I guess he never did get you to sign them." Fury says, throwing Captain America trading cards on the table. They were all bloody and ruined. Why did I ever tease him about them? I get up and storm off towards my room. I can't do this right now.

When I get to my room I slam the door and make sure it's closed. I sit on my bed, curled up in a ball. Everyone I let into my life ends up dead. I put my head in between my knees and just stay like that for awhile. Suddenly I head a knock on my door.

Reluctantly I get off my bed and open it. "We know where Loki is and we have to stop him." Steve says. A hard look sets itself on my face. "Then let's go make this son of a bitch pay." I say. He nods. "Suit up, we're meeting in the hanger." He says. I nod and close the door.

I race to my closet and grab my suit which consists of a black crop top, black skinny jeans, and black combat boots. I strap my knives to my thighs, my guns to my hips, my bow and quiver to my back, and my bow staff is broken into two pieces and placed under my quiver.

I redo my pony tail braid before running out of my room towards the hanger. When I get there Steve, Nat, and Clint are waiting for me. I smile when I see Clint and run up and hug him. "I'm glad you're ok." I say, letting go.

"Good to see you Baby Stark. Now, let's go catch this son of a bitch. He says. I smile and nod and then the four of us march towards a jet. We walk on the one of the engineers tries to stop us. "Hey, you guys aren't authorized-" "Son, just don't." Steve says. He nods and gets off the jet.

Clint and I get into the pilot and co-pilots seats and then we take off. I see a flash of red and gold and I know Tony is racing to get there before us. We soon lose sight of him and by the time we reach New York aliens are already attacking.

"Stark, we're on your 3 heading North East." Nat informs him. "What? Did you stop for drive through? Swing up Park, I'm gonna lay them out for you." He says. We do as he says and gun down most of the aliens following him. We then swing up to see when Loki and Thor are battling.

"Nat, Roni." Clint says. "I see him." She says. Before we can get a shot off his blows out one of our engines. Clint and I try to keep control as we crash lad. Finally we stop moving and opens he hatch to get out of the jet. The four of us run out, taking in our surroundings.

"We gotta get back up there." Steve says. We hear a loud growl and look up just in time to see a huge monster coming out of the wormhole in the sky about Stark Towers. "Oh my God." I mutter. "Stark are you seeing this?" Cap asks.

"Seeing, still working on believing. Where's Banner, has he shown up yet?" Tony asks. "Banner?" Steve asks. "Just keep me posted." He says. We all take cover behind a taxi. "There's civilians trapped." Steve says. "You're good. We've got this." Nat says.

"You think you can hold them off?" Steve asks. "Captain, it's would be my genuine pleasure." Clint says, knocking an arrow and shooting at the upcoming aliens. "Go. And Steve, good luck." I say. He nods and takes off down the street.

Sighing I get my guns out and start shooting at the aliens. When I run out of ammo I quickly reload with my back up. Clint, Nat, and I are all shooting from behind the taxi. "Just like Budapest all over again." Nat says. "You and I remember Budapest very differently." Clint says.

"Hey, what happened in Budapest stays in in Budapest." I say, continuing to fire. When I run out of ammo again I put my guns up and get out my staff, connecting the two pieces. I turn on the electricity and begin taking out aliens. Finally Steve comes back and helps us out.

After a little bit of fighting Thor electrocutes the aliens around us and stumbles over to us. "What's the story upstairs?" Steve asks Thor. "The power surrounding the cube is impenetrable." He says. "Thor's right, we've got to deal with these guys." Tony says.

"How do we do this?" Nat asks. "As a team." Steve says. "I have unfinished business with Loki." Thor says. "Yeah, well get in line." Clint says, restocking the arrows in his quiver. "Save it. Loki's going to keep this fight focused on us and that's what we need." I say.

"We've got Stark up top, he's going to-" But Steve is cut off by the sound of a busted motor getting closer and closer. We all turn to see Bruce riding in an a busted up bike. "So, this all seems, horrible." He says. "I've seen worse." Nat says. "I'm sorry."

"No we could use a little worse." She says. "Stark, we got him." Steve says. "Banner?" "Just like you said." I tell him. "Then tell him to suit up. I'm bringing the party to you." Tony says. A few second later Tony round the block with a giant worm thing behind him.

Thor readies his hammer. "I don't see how that's a party." Nat says. Bruce walks towards it. "Dr. Banner, now might be a really good time for you to get angry." Steve says. "That's my secret Captain, I'm always angry." He says, he then turns and Hulks out before punching the creature.

The creature slows to a stop, it's back half flying over it's head. Tony must have seen a fault in the armor before he shoots a missile into it and the creature explodes. Steve shields Nat and I with his shield when the armor falls off the creature and it lands with a thud, dead.

We all stand back up and form a circle, watching each others blindspots. Nat with her gun, Clint with his bow, Thor with his hammer, Tony in his suit, the Hulk, Steve with his shield, and me with my electrified bow staff. The aliens howl out about their giant creature being destroyed.

"Guys." Nat says. We all turn to see even more of the creatures and aliens coming out of the wormhole. I glare at the portal. "Call it Captain." Tony says. We all turn to look at Steve, waiting for his orders.

"Alright listen up. Until we can close that portal our priority is containment. Barton, I want you on that rooftop, call out patterns and strays. Stark, you've got the perimeter. Anything get more than five blocks out you turn it back or you turn it to ash." Steve says.

"Mind giving me a lift?" Clint asks. "Sure, better clench up Legolas." Tony says before taking to the air. "Thor, you gotta try and bottleneck that portal, slow them down. You got the lightning, light the bastards up." He says. Thor nods.

"Roni, I need you to find a way to close that portal. Look into the device creating it." He says. I nod. "Thor?" I ask. He nods and grabs my waist. I wrap my arms around his neck and he swings his hammer, pulling us off the ground. I close my eyes until we're on solid ground again.

"Thanks." I say. He nods to me and takes off. I'm on the wrong level, the device being a good level away. I run towards it, but aliens land in front of me. "You've got to be kidding me." I mutter. I attack them with my staff. "Roni! How's it coming?" He asks.

"I haven't gotten that far." I grunt, electrocuting another alien. "Try to get up there as quick as possible." He says. "Copy that." I say, killing another alien. everytime I kill one another takes it's place and it's getting pretty damn annoying.

Finally I electrocute the last alien in my way and quickly make my way up to the portal. I immediately head to the computer and start typing in override codes, but nothing is working. I hear a thud behind me and quickly draw my bow and with an arrow knocked.

"It's just me." Nat says. I nod and go back to the computer. "What have you got for me?" She asks. "I've tried every override code I know and nothing is working, I can't get into it software wise." I say. "The scepter." We hear behind us. We turn to see Dr. Selvig laying on the ground.

"Doctor." I say. "Loki's scepter, the energy. The Tesseract can't fight. You can't protect against yourself." He says. "It's not your fault, you didn't know what you were doing." Nat says. "Well actually I think I did. I built in a safety to cut the power source." He says.

"Loki's scepter." I realize. "It may be able to close the portal, and I'm looking right at it." He says. I look over the edge, there, laying on the ground, is the scepter. "Well damn." I say. Let's end this fight for good.

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