Chapter 10

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Roni's POV:

Ultron takes us back to the compound Strucker had us at. We go down to the secret room to find hundreds of suits flying around. "We'll move out right away. This is just a start, but there's something we need to begin the real work." Ultron says. "All of these are..."

"Me. I have what the Avengers never will, harmony. They're discordant, disconnected. Stark's already go them turning on each other. And when you get inside the rest of their heads-" "-Everyone's plan is not to kill them." Pietro says, agitated.

"And make them martyrs? You need patience. Need to see the big picture." Ultron says. "I don't see the big picture, I have a little picture. I take it out and look at it, everyday. You lost your parents int he bombings, I've seen eh records." Ultron says. "The records are not the picture."

"Pietro." Wanda says. "No, please." Ultron urges. "We were ten years old. Having dinner, the four of us. When the first shell hits, two floors below us, it makes a hold in the floor. It's big. Our parents go in and the whole building starts coming apart." I look at the two with sympathy.

"I grab her, roll under the bed and the second shell hits, but it doesn't go off. It just...sits there in the rubble. Three feet from our faces. And on the side of the shell is painted one word." He says, anger lacing his tone. "Stark." Wanda says, her eyes glowing red.

"We were trapped fro two days." Pietro says. " Every effort to save us, every shift in the bricks, i think, 'this will set it off.' We wait two days for Tony Stark to kill us." She says. She then turns to me. 'We do not blame you.' She tells me telepathically. I nod, wrapping her in a hug.

My 'brother' has done horrible things, ruined so many people's lives. I hate him. "We know what they are." Pietro finishes. "I wondered why only you three survived Strucker's experiments. Now I don't. We will make it right. You two and I will hurt them." He tells Pietro and I.

He then turns to Wanda. "But you, will tear them apart from the inside." He tells her. We all smile. This is going to be fun. The next day we need to go to Wakanda. It's this small area in Africa where Ultron needs materials from. More importantly, vibranium.

I open a portal for us and we all step through. We quickly make it to where everyone minus the one man we need to see evacuates. We sneak up on Ulysses Klaue. Masking our presence, but of course he notices.

When he fires a gun a open a portal to nowhere so it doesn't harm anyone and Pietro sprints to take the bullets out of the gun. Pietro stands there with his arms crossed while Wanda and I come out of the shadows. Ok, so maybe I am good at sneaking around places.

"Yeah, the enhanced. Strucker's prized pupils." He says, sitting down. He then picks up a bowl. "Do you want a candy?" He asks us. When we don't move he sets it down. "I was sorry to hear about Strucker." He says, we all stare at him confused. What happened to Strucker?

"But then again, he always knew what world he was trying to create. Human life not a growth market." He says. "You didn't know?" He asks, looking at our confused places. "Is this your first time intimidating someone?" He asks us. I glare and he doubles over in pain.

"No." I snap before letting him go. He gasps a little. "Nice little trick, but I'm afraid, I'm not afraid." He says. This is when Wanda steps up. "Everyone is afraid of something." She says. "Cuttlefish." He says quickly. We stare at him confused again.

"Deep sea fish, this make lights, disco lights. To hypnotize their prey, and then-" He makes a noise and a grabbing motion. "I saw a documentary. It was terrifying. Pietro then zooms to the candy bowl and grab two candies. A red one for me and a green one for him. I smile my thanks.

"So if you're going to fiddle with my brain and make my see a giant cuttlefish, then I know you don't do business. And I know you're not in charge. And I only deal with the man in charge." He says.

Suddenly Ultron flies up behind him and comes through the window, hurling him out of the door we came in. "There is no man in charge." Ultron says, standing over Klaue. He then bends down and gets in his face. "Let's talk business."

After a little bit of talking Klaue takes us to his vibranium. "Upon this rock, I will build my church." Ultron says. Klaue hands him some vibranium. "Vibranium." He mutters. He then throws it to Pietro. "You know, it came at great personal cost. It's worth billions." Klaue says.

Ultron chuckles before closing his eyes. When he opens them he looks down at Klaue. "Now so are you." He says. Klaue's second's phone rings. They both look at it in shock and it keeps vibrating.

"It's all under your dummy holdings. Finance is so weird. But I always says keep your friends rich and your enemies richer and wait to find out which is which." He says. "Stark." Klaue mutters. "What?" Ultron asks. "Tony Stark used to say that. To me. You're one of his." He says.

Ultron gets an angry look on his face. "What?! I am not!" Ultron yells, grabbing Klaue's arm roughly. His second goes to pull a gun, but Wanda uses her telekinesis to keep his arm down. "I am not. You think I'm one of Stark's puppets? One of his hollow men?" He asks.

Anger courses through every word. "I mean, look at me. Do I look like Iron Man? Stark is nothing!" He yells, slicing Klaue's arm clean off. I gasp, jumping a little bit, a hand covers my mouth in shock.

"I'm sorry, I'm sor...oh. I'm sure that's gonna be ok. I'm sorry. It's just-I don't understand. Don't compare me with Stark!" He yells, kicking Klaue in the face, sending him backwards. "It's a thing with me. Start is...he's a sickness!" He yells.

"Awe junior. You're gonna break your old man's heart." I freeze.

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