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Name: Veronica Maria Stark
Age: 33
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown with White Highlights
Siblings: Tony and Pepper (sister-in-law)
Niece: Morgan
Friends: Pepper, Steve, Clint, Bruce, Maria, Fury, Phil, Thor, Wanda, Sam, Rhodey, T'Challa, Groot, Rocket, Nebula, Scott, Okoye, Shuri, Stefan Strange, Drax, Gamora, Mantis, Valkyrie, Peter P., Peter Q., Wong, Carol
Best Friend: Natasha
Skills: Hand to hand combat, martial arts, acting, genius level intelligence, weapons fighting, gymnastics, strength
Weapons: Bow and arrows, Daggers, Guns, Vibranium Bow Staff w/ Electric Charge
Powers: Element Manipulation, Weather Manipulation, Concussive Blasts, Pain Infliction, Healing, Energy Blasts, Sonic Scream, Force Field Projection, Electric Manipulation, Ice Manipulation, Atomic Manipulation, Portal Creation, Flight
Codename: Sorceress
Nicknames: Roni, V, Stark, Baby Stark

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