Chapter 1

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Every family is supposed to love one another. They are suppose to show you how to live life.  They are the ones who are your protectors. They are the reason you smile ,laugh, a shoulder to cry on. Am I right ?

Well I wouldn't know. I haven't felt the love of a family since the day I lost my father and baby sister.My own mother has turned her back on me. She blames me for their death. As does everyone in my pack , the Skylight pack.

I know you might be saying what is a pack ,well I'll tell you but first let me introduce myself. I'm Kelly ,i'm 17 years old. I have pitch black hair,that flows down my small frame to my hips, I have Hazel eyes. I am about 5'4 in height, which makes me shorter then most teen age werewolf.

Yes you heard that right ,I'm also part werewolf, well not yet. I don't get to meet my wolf untill my 18 birthday.

Which brings us back to the question what is a pack ? Well a pack is like a family ,but not everyone is related. In a pack we care and protect eachother with our own life's. Sounds great right ,well it's not.

Ever since I was 8 years old I have been the packs target to let all their angry out on. My mother doesn't care for me and treats me just as bad as the pack.

I want to leave this place . I want to be free of the pain I endure every day of my life,but that's a dream that won't happen. The reality of it hits me hard as I'm startled awake by my mother's high pitched voice.

"Kelly! If you don't get your ass down stairs ,I'm going to come up there and drag you down! You worthless child!" My mother screamed at me.

I jump out of bed and scrambled to the the door as fast as I could. I didn't want to piss mother off more then I already have. I open my plain white door to my room . I sprint down the hall , down the stairs and that is when I am greeted with a punch in the face by my mother.

"Why can't you do anything right ! Your such a stupid child!!" my mother growled at me.

"I have told you to have my breakfast made, house spotless, before I am ready to leave the house every morning."

"I'm s-sorry mother it won't happen again, I-I'll get to cooking your meal now ,mother please forgive me."I managed to whimper out. As my mother glared at me with so much hate. She turned on her heals and stormed in to her bedroom to continue to get ready for her day.

I quickly ran to the kitchen and grabbed everything I needed to make her oatmeal just the way she likes it.

Maple brown sugar, blueberries,and a little bit of pure sugar. I made her cup of coffee with french vanilla liquid creamer and 4 sugars. Once her coffee cup lid was on ,I sat her plate and cup on the table and cleaned up the kitchen. As soon as I was finished with the kitchen my mother returned. I lowered my gaze and made my way out of there to go get the rest of the house cleaning done before I was hit again.

I finished the house cleaning in no time ! Due to me staying up until 4 am so I didn't have much to do the today.
Now I can sneak off to my favorite spot to escape the rath of my mother.

First I need to get changed. I ran upstairs back to my room. If you could even call it a room. It was basically a closet. Mother said I didn't deserve to have a space that was big enough to fit a bedroom set in. So she gave me the closet in the hallway. I only had room for a lamp , a old pillow and a very thin sheet. I didn't have much of anything since I was looked down at in the pack and at home.

I quickly grabbed my grey hoodie and threw on my only pair of leggings and my old pair sneakers. I ran out the back door and to the forest. I headed down the path to the open area, I crossed it and went to the right side and through the trees after a minute of walking, I came out to my own paradise .

It was a beautiful lake with a long waterfall on the other side that added continues flow of the crystal clear water in the lake. Behind the water fall is a little cave ,that no one knows about. Only I have been to it and only go there when I have been beaten all day. Its where I go to hide from my reality.

I sit on my favorite part of the shore. It's under a beautiful Willow tree. I lay my head against the tree and drift off into a peaceful sleep.

At the sound of Alpha Joe's voice, through the pack link ,I jotled up from my nap and listed carefully.

"Good afternoon to you all, I'm calling a mandatory pack meeting in 5 minutes I expect to see you all at the pack house ! " Alpha Joe stated.

I got up and took off in a sprint to the pack house. I arrived in the nick of time ,4 minutes to be precise. I looked around the room to see if I saw mother any where. I spotted her standing beside the beta sister Karen.

I walked over to them and bowed my head in submission they just rolled there eyes at me and turned to face Alpha Joe.

Alpha Joe came up the back porch steps,to the perch that over looked the big back yard that held all of Skylight pack,which has 400 members. We aren't the biggest or smallest pack but we are strong. Alpha cleared his throat and started the meeting.

"Hello every one ,I'm sure you are all wondering why I have asked you to come , well I'm here to tell you that our neighboring pack ,the Blood Night pack will be visiting us. The reason for the visit is for Alpha Mark's son , Dominic future alpha of the Blood night pack. He is coming to see if one of you ladies are his mate. He will be here in three days. Thank you all for your time,please continue on with your day. "

Alpha Joe finished his speech and turned and walked off the stage. He made his way over to where me, my mother the Beta Zac ,his sister Karen ,and our Luna Lisa where standing. They all greeted Alpha with smiles ,he nodded in smiled in return ,but when he saw me standing there he looked at me with such hate.

He turned towards me and smacked me right across my face. The smack was hard enough to make me stumble back and bump in to his son  Jarred . When I did Jarred pushed me down and kicked me over and over again in the ribs and screamed in my face that I was a worth less bitch and I needed to learn to watch where I was going.

I curled up as much as possible so I can protect my self. He finally stopped kicking and me and walked off. I looked up shaking. I was in so much pain. I see my mother , I plead with my eyes for her to help me. She just had a bored look on her face.

Alpha Joe looked at me and said" I know dam well you won't be Alpha Dominic mate you are to  fat ,ugly ,lazy, a worthless slut. No one could ever love or want you . "

Once he finished they all turned away and went in to the pack house.

I slowly got up and limped back to my mother's house. I climbed the stairs to my room to get my first aid kit to patch my self up . Once I got the kit I went to the bathroom turned on the shower . I stripped down and got in. Once the warm water hit me I let the tears flow down my face.

I got out of the shower grabbed the towel to dry my self off. I open the first aid kit and got out some bandages to wrap around my ribs cage and a needle to stich up my lip . I finished up,got dressed and went to my room and layed down.

You see us werewolves can heal quickly but that is only when we turn 18 and get our wolf's .

Thank the goddess my birthday is tomorrow .I will be 18 and will finally get to meet my wolf and hopefully find my mate. My hope is that I can find him from a different pack so I don't have to live this hell anymore.

With that thought in mind, I turn off my lamp pulled up my small sheet,closed my eyes and let the peaceful darkness surround me.

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