Chapter 6 : Past

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Kelly pov

"I'm a Slicer wolf Alpha" I say to alpha Mark." She also shifts back with clothes on " Dom added " Do you know how much this puts her in danger son ? ,We have to keep this in our pack only. This can not get out or she will be in danger " Luna Lynn says. " I know mom that's why we left as soon as we did and why we have requested this meeting." Dom replies"We will inform the pack of their future Luna and we will make sure that the help us insure her safety." Alpha Mark add's. "Ok " Dom replies.

"Kelly does your mom and old pack know of this ? " Kyle ask " No ky they don't ,and I hope they never do find out cause they would most likely kill me or abuse more then they already have ." I say as I lower my gaze from everyone's stare. "Do you mind sharing with us why they treated you the way they did and what they did to you ?" Luna Lynn asked in a motherly voice." O-ok " I answer her ,as my body starts to shake ,as I remember every beating I have gotten.

" It wasn't always bad while living in the Skylight pack , it actually was amazing. Everyone cared so much for one another . We were a like a big family ,just like every other pack. That was untill I turned 8 everything changed for the worse ,not for the whole pack but for me " I say to every one.

Flash back

It was just an ordinary day, it was the middle of spring ,the whole pack was out enjoying the fresh breeze. Pups were running around playing tag, warriors we're training, mothers where hanging around chatting with their friends while watching the kids play. Some guys where grilling out,which had the air smelling of hot dogs , hamburgers . I was playing with the my sister, at our favorite area of the territory. It was a small open area that had a pond in the middle. Tall trees surrounded the back and side views,so parents can still see their pups playing by the pound from the pack house or anywhere near it. My dad was sitting around one of the picnic tables ,reading a book while overlooking me and my younger sister play with the fish in the pond. My mother was by the pool with some other moms and Luna Lisa.

While me and my sister where playing I heard something from the trees behind us, I looked around and saw no one else looking so I turned to my sister Mae and asked "Sissy did you hear that ?" "Ya Kel Kel what was that " she whispered back to me. "I don't know want to go check it out ?" "Yeah let's go " my sister says . We head towards the forest and through the trees to where we heard the nosie. As we are walking we hear the same noise as before ,it was the breaking of twigs . We head towards the nosie even more and when we hear it again we snap our heads to the right and that's when we see the wolf , " it's a rouge " I say to my sister.

Rouge's are wolf's with out a pack. They have either been banished or ran away. With out a pack a wolf goes wild . They have no care for anyone's life. They will take what they want and kill anyone who gets in their way. Their smell is how you can tell they are rouge's ,they smell of rot and old spoiled milk.

We stare at the rouge not sure what to do. We hear our dad calling for us and so does the rouge. Our heads snap towards the direction of our dads voice and yell "daddy help us there is a rogue " we yell together. This gets the rouge angry and he charges us he grabs hold of my sister by her waist and bites down hard. She screams out in from the pain . I am to shocked to move and to tramatized to do anything to help her. My dad comes through the tree in his wolf form. His wolf is a white and black mix fur with bright blue eyes. He's beautiful. My dad jumps over me and kicks me back, to get me further away from the rouge. He growls a deathly growl and jumps on the back of the rouge. The rouge let's go of my sister. I had finally snapped out of the tramatized state and ran to my baby sister. She was covered in her own blood and had tear stained cheeks. Her beautiful brown curly hair was matted with blood ,dirt ,leaves and twigs. I craddled her in my arms as I watched our father fight the rouge. My father was doing a good job untill I yelled for my sister to breathe again. That gave the rouge the chance he needed to kill my father. The rouge jumped at my father exposed neck and ripped out a big chunk of flesh and fur and clawed a big gash in his side. My father dropped to the ground and turned back in to his human form. Which only ment that he was dead. I screamed so loud for the loss of both my father and baby sister, that the pack patrol came running and came in to view just before the rouge could kill me to. They took down the rouge in no time.

Alpha Joe ,Luna Lisa ,my mom all came running towards us due to the patrol wolfs mind linking the alpha to let him know what has happened. Mind link is a a form that of communication that every pack has. We can talk through our minds.

Once they arrived and saw the scene before them they all yelled at me to tell them what has happened. I told them everything from the moment I heard the noise in the forest till they all came up.

"Why didn't you come tell us instead of coming with your sister to check it out. This is all your fault you worthless child!!" my mother screamed at me as she snatched my sisters lifeless body away from me and holding my father lifeless hand in her's. "Your a disgrace to our kind you are no child of mine anymore" she adds as she glares at me with so much hate.

From that day forward I was basically the pack punching bag and slave. My mother would beat me constantly when I would even try to talk to her. Everyone in the pack blamed me for my father and sisters death. So not only did I lose my baby sister and daddy, I also lost my mother and whole pack all in one day ,just because I was a curious child and went into the forest to check out a noise.


"That day was the worse day of my life for me . Yes the beatings hurt but it was nothing compared to the pain I felt losing so much in just a blink of the eye." I say through a shakey voice as tears stream down my face. I look up and see everyone in tears.

"That was not your fault , you where only a child .you couldn't of known what would of happened . They are all so wrong for blaming and treating you the way they did. " Alpha Mark said with so much hate and anger in his voice. "I agree " Luna Lynn ,Kyle and Dom all said together. "Babe I promise you we will never treat you the way they did or even blame you for what happened to your sister and father. I'm so sorry for your lost and just know im here as well as everyone else in this room is for you ! The pack will be to. "Dom says to me as he hugs me tightly.

After everyone had the chance to calm down,we continued to talk about the welcoming party for me. The party would be this weekend since it gave us 5 days to prepare. Once we all agreed on when the meeting ended and we all went to our rooms to turn in for the night.

So sorry for not uploading yesterday it was a busy day for me. I did make sure to write this chapter today and will also write chapter 7 tonight and upload it as well. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter as well as I hope this brings some light on to why poor Kelly was hated and treated by her old pack. Don't forget to vote and comment.

Much love
Luna dreamer ❤️

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