Chapter 10: Mother Part 2

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Dom Pov

"How's Kelly doing ? " Kyle ask me as Kelly walked away.

"She doing good she has come along way."

"Alpha we are under attack" one of the warriors shout through our mind link. Before I can respond I hear screams from my pack members as they watch the wolf's attack their loved ones .

Everyone snapped out of the shocked state they were in and started fighting back. "Blood night pack warriors shift in to your wolfs , anyone else that is ready to fight shift as well. Mom get the women and pups to the safe room now", I shout through the link in my Alpha tone,as I am fighting off wolf's that are coming at me .

As I'm snapping a wolfs neck I hear Kelly shout look out. Before I can register what she is talking about a greyish wolf slams in to my ribs. I shake my fur out as I recover from the hit.

I am back on all fours and look up to see who hit me.It's Jarred ,Alphas Joe son. I growl once I figure out who he is. He has shifted back in to his human form. I do the same. We both slide on a pair of basketball shorts that were in the basket laying through out the yard for when the pack comes back from runs they have clothes to put on.

"Hello Dominic" Jarred says in a sinister voice. "What are you doing here " I growl out. "Oh just coming to get what belongs to Skylight pack" he chuckles out.

"Over my dead body " I say to him as I swing and land a punch to his face.

His head snaps to the right ,he growls at me then jumps towards me and shifts back into his wolf. I meet him half away in my wolf form.

I snap my jaws down on his shoulder as he bites my leg. I use my hind legs to kick him off of me as we both landed on the ground we get up and circle eachother trying to find a weak spot.

With us both being Alphas we will have a tuff time figuring it out,but I quickly find his and it's his left side is weaker then his right. I guess he figured out mine at the same time cause we both went to strike.

A get the upper hand as I slashed a gash across is left side and stumbles away a bit. As he is gaining his balance I glance over my shoulder to see if I see Kelly which cost me , as I wasn't paying attention Jarred was able to tackle me down and bite a big chunk out of my side. I yell in pain,as my eyes roll back and the darkness consumes me.


Kyle POV

I ripped out the throat of the last wolf and spit it out on the ground. I shift back into my human form and start helping,our pack members.

"Has anyone seen Dominic or Kelly ?" I shout to the pack while Scanning to grounds for them. "KYLE OVER HERE "I hear a she wolf yell . I snap my head towards the side of the house and see her leaning over someone.

I run straight towards her. I see Dom laying there covered in blood with a chunk of flesh missing from his right side. "Mark get the pack doctor now Dom is hurt " I shout through the mind link as I picked Dom up and ran inside the pack house, towards the medical wing.

"Hold in there Dom "I say to him as I bust through the double doors in the medical wing. "In here", the pack doctor shouts to me. I rush over toward the operating room and lay Dom on the bed and move out the way so the doctor can save him.

When I came out in to the waiting area I see my dad ,and Dom's parents but not Kelly . "Wheres Kelly?" I ask in concern." We thought she was here with Dom . "Doms parents said in unison. " We need to find her she isn't here " I shout in a panic .

I ran out of the medical wing, into the pack house in search of Kelly .I can't find her any where . I go outside and while I'm searching I see a letter laying on a table . I picked it up and read it .

Hello Blood Nightght pack. Thank you for a great party . We have what we came for ,which was Kelly . By the time you read this we will be long gone. She won't live long either so don't bother looking for her. We masked our scents so you won't be able to track us. I will finally have my revenge and Alpha Joe can now take over your territory once Dom dies ,bhahahh


I crumble the letter and growl out in anger. " Our Luna has been taken " I mind linked the pack to inform them all at once.


April's POV ( After she punch Kelly)

"Alright you put this letter on the table you two pick the cunt up and let's get out of here ." I barked the orders out in excitement.

We get Kelly in the car ,so I mindlinked Joe and Jarred to inform them . " I have her let's go. " "On the way" Joe responds. " I just took down Dom I'm heading your way "Jarred says back .

We make it to the cabin after the 4 hour drive. We get Kelly out of the car and chain her up in the man made cell.

As I make my way up the stairs to my room, I tell Jarred and mark ,that I sedated Kelly as well has gave her wolfsbane to weaken her. We agreed that the real fun will start tomorrow. For now we will rest.

I get in my room and go straight to the bathroom and take a warm shower. After the shower I dry off and get dressed. I made my way to my bed and layed down and pulled out the last picture I had of my mate and daughter. "I will revenge you my darlings. I promise! Good night I love you" I whisper, as I kiss the photo goodnight and place it on the pillow beside me and layed down. I drift off to sleep.

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