chapter 8 : Bonding

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Kelly POV

"Mother's coming" I say to Dom.

"What do you mean mothers coming" Dom asked in confusion.

"Read this "I hand him the letter.

"I found it on our coffee table just before I called you here."

Dom is visibly shaking with anger as he finishes the letter. He shouts

" YOUR MINE "as he grabs a hold of me and pulls me into a possessive hug.

"NO ONE is going to take you from me ! "He finishes in a whisper as he inhales my scent,to calm his wolf. I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him just as tight as he does me. We break out of the hug,Dom kisses me with so much love. I can feel it roll off of him in waves .

"I'm going to call a pack meeting so we can discuss precautions we will take to ensure your safety."

I nod my head in confirmation. Dom mindlinks his dad to inform him of what is going on,he agreed for Dom to call the meeting to inform the pack. After we had mind linked the pack to tell them to meet us in the back yard of the pack house ,we made our way downstairs and to the back yard.

Everyone has arrived,Dom , myself, Alpha Mark,Luna Lynn and Beta Liam and his son Kyle are all standing on the stage facing the pack. Alpha Mark starts the meeting.

"Thank you all for quickly responding and joining this meeting. We have asked you all here for 2 reasons. Number one being , protocols being set to ensure you Luna safety. Which brings us to reason number two being, Luna Lynn and my self will be passing down the roles as Alpha and Luna. Passing on the titles to my son Dominic and his mate Kelly. "
Beta Liam steps in after Alpha Mark finish speaking. "I will also be passing down my title as the Alphas Beta. This tile will now belong to my son, your new beta Kyle !" Liam's voice boomed with pride. The pack howled in joy for their new Beta.

Mark took back over, Lynn and mark both passed the titles as Alpha and Luna down to Dom and I. So from here on out I will now refer to Dom's parents as Mark and Lynn,we will also call Liam , Liam. Everyone howled all at once and welcomed us as their Luna and Alpha. Dom continued on the meeting. He proceeded to explain to the pack what had happened when we where out earlier,the scent he and the patrols picked up on . We are currently telling the pack what will happen from here on out.

"We will have 24/7 patrols. Guards around the pack house and training is to be double from here until we annihilate the threat on your Luna's life, is this understood". Dom said in his Alpha voice,which sent these pleasurable feeling down to my core. I shivered at the sound of his voice.
"Yes Alpha", the pack members said in unison. "Thank you all for your support ,have a good night,get plenty of sleep tonight because tomorrow the new protocols will be in affect."
After the meeting we said our goodnights to Dom's family and Kyle's ,we went to our room.

You see to officially become Alpha and Luna of the pack, we have to complete the mating process. The mating process goes like this. once you meet your mate y'all either accept each other or reject eachother,but if you reject your mate you don't get another mate.,only mates that has had a mate pass way will receive a 2nd mate known as a second chance mate. The next step is the welcoming in to the males mates pack , then the next step is the actual mating ,which means you will be intimate with your mate. The final step is the sealing of the bond,this is done by marking one another. Marking is when your mate bites a spot between you neck and shoulder. Your scent and your mates scent will combine,this shows other wolf's that you have a mate. The Mark is like a tattoo,it's your packs name and your mates name in a pretty black ink with a moon beside it. All wolfs have to complete the process once they find their mate, they can finish when ever they want but as Alphas and Luna's we have to as soon as the tile is handed over. Which can be when we are at the age of 17. Now that's out of the way back to my mate.


We entered our room and as soon as Dom closed the door, he grabs me by my ass and picks me up . I respond immediately by wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms snake around his neck. He beings kissing me hungrily. I kiss him back, our lips are passionately moving in sync. As we are kissing he made his way over to the bed he lays down with me on the bottom and him on top of me he sits up and takes of his shirt , exposing his tan skin,and all his muscles. He proceeded to undress,then he stripped me. As he leans in to kiss me he slides his finger in between my already wet slits. He kisses me as he works his fingers inside of me while his thumb is rubbing patterns on my swollen nub. I can't hold back the pleasurable moans that escape my lips.

As I'm reaching my climax Dom pulls his fingers out of me and slides in his long hard throbbing member. I flinch when he enters me ,due to the fact that this is my first time. His rythem is slow and easy so I can get use to his length as he fills me. As soon as he hears my moans again he picks up his pace. I feel the same tighten and tingling as before causing my moans to get louder. I'm reaching my climax and so is Dom. With one last hard thrust we both extend our canes and bite into each other to mark eachother as ours. Once our bond is sealed we realse and both collapse on the bed panting.


"Wow " "amazing" Dom and I both said at the same time once we caught our breathe. We kissed one last time and got up to go shower. Once we got out we put on clean night clothes and got into bed. As I lean in to kiss Dom goodnight he meets me halfway and kisses me with so much love. Then he pulls back slowly looks me in the eyes ," I love you Kelly "he says with so much love, passion swirling through his eyes . "I love you too "I say back with just has much emotion as he did.

"Let's get some rest we have a big day tomorrow". Dom says . I lay my head on his chest."Good night " we say in unison. I close my eyes letting the darkness consume me as I listen to my mates heart.


Yay another chapter done. I want to say thank you all for being so supportive to me and sticking with me through this journey. It means so much to me,you have no idea ! Keep voting and reading. The next couple of chapters will be more fighting and alot more wolf action. So stay tuned my little wolf's

Much love
Luna dreamer ❤️

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