chapter 12 : Turn of events

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Kyle POV
It's been a few days and Dom has finally woke up. So I'm on my way to his room to check on him. Since he has been basically in a coma I have stepped up in caring for the pack . Not only that, I have made search teams and game plans on how we can track down Kelly. Let's just hope Dom doesn't go crazy when he finds out Kelly isn't here.

"Hey doc how's Dom ?"

"He is 100% healed ,he has just gotten some food in him so he should be getting back to full strength. You can see him now if you want. "

"Thanks doc." Kyle says as he puts a hand on the docs shoulder and walks off towards Dom's room.

"Hey Dom how are you man ? You had us worried about you. "

" I'm good man, how's everyone and the pack. Is with Kelly you I haven't seen her yet ? " Dom ask with a hopeful look on his face.

My smile drops and my shoulders sag some. When Dom's sees my reaction his whole demeanor changes.

"Kyle where the fuck is Kelly !!"

"Dom calm down, getting angry isn't going to help anything. Trust me bro I understand why you are feeling the way you are but I'm working on getting Kelly back."

"What the fuck you mean getting her back ? Who fucking took her and how the fuck did they get to her !"

" Her mom took her ,at the party when the wolf's from the Blood night pack came. "

The next thing I know Dom Yanks the wires off of him and flips over the night stand in rage.

"I want my mate found and back here ! Tell me everything you have found out !"

With that he storms out of the room and towards his office. I don't bother trying to calm him down I just follow him.

We get to his office and I tell him everything that happened at the cookout. I inform him that Joe Jarred and April are no where on the blood night territory.

"Well if their not there where are they ! Why haven't you tried tracking their scents !"

" We can't they masked their scents so we couldn't follow or track them. We have set spy's up to keep tabs on everyone in the blood Night pack to ensure if someone does leave and go to where they are we can follow."

" Good I want to bet made aware of any movement is that understood?"

"Yes Alpha"

" Good now lets find my mate"


Kelly's POV

Joe and Jarred left me after Joe finished is rant.

"Athena I think we will be ok if we get Jarred to turn on his father ."

"Kel don't worry about it we will be safe either way ,watch and see."

After she said that,she went to the back of my mind and curled up. I'm just laying here looking up at the ceiling waiting for something to happen. I end up dozen off.

The sound of the door shutting woke me up. When I snap open my eyes I see its just Jarred.

"Look this doesn't change the way I feel about you I'm only doing this cause I don't want my father to get what he wants and helping you escape is the way I can ensure he doesn't " he says to me as he undo the gag and chains.

"Feeling is mutual " I say as I roll my eyes at him as I jump down from the bed I was on.

"How are you going to get us out of here ?"

"It's 3am so my father and April are sleeping we will sneak out through that window behind you. Once we are out we need to shift into our wolf's and run as far as possible. "

"Why can't you take the car ? "

"Cause my father has the keys and I wasn't going to chance getting caught."

"Smart ,I Guess you do have a brain of your own ."

"Shut up let's just get out of here. "

We climb out the window and take off deep in to the forest. Once we are in the clear we both jump and change into our wolf's .

I let Jarred lead the way. I keep a steady pace while running so he doesn't find out how fast i am .

We run for 4 hours straight. We have come to a river so we have decided to stop and take a break for a few minutes.

"So where are we ? "

"We are about a 3 day drive from your pack territory."

"How long on foot and wolf ?"

"Can take about 5 days 6 tops"

"Your telling me I'm stuck with you for 6 fucking days ! "

"Yup so get use to it and be fucking great full i saved your ass!"

" Well if you didn't kidnap me in the first place you wouldn't of have to !" I yell back at him

I stormed off to the other end of the river. Curled up and went to sleep .

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