Chapter 13: Journey

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Kelly's POV

It's the next day, me and Jarred have been walking and running in both forms. We are currently walking in human form to give our wolfs a break. Jarred has been ticking me off all day I just want to get back to my pack and mate already.

"Stop your whining , I swear I should of just left you there so my father could have his way."

"Fuck you Jarred ! What do you think I was going to be all happy go lucky that you saved me? Ha, how about no I can't stand you ! Your a spoiled stuck up arrogant ass that only cares for his self ."

"Like your any better you are a killer Kelly , your lazy, and I'm so glad you aren't in the pack any more!"

I stopped walked at this point. I was face to face with him. I couldn't contain my anger any more so I did the only thing I could . I punch him right across his jaw . It made a satisfying cracking sound.

"Don't you fucking dare call me a killer! I did not kill my baby sister or my father! Do you have any idea what actually happened? Do you know how much this has affected me ? No you don't ! You only heard what happened from my mother and your father ! "

"Ok tell me your side then! "

After Jarred said that I told him everything that happened that day.By the time I finished I calmed down some and had tears streaming down my face.

"Now you heard the truth ! So stop fucking saying I killed them ! "

"Wow Kelly. I... I didn't know . I'm so sorry for the way I treated you. "

"I don't need your sympathy. I just need you to get me back to my pack and never call me a killer again ! Also don't you dare call me lazy when I was the one who took care of all the chores in the pack while I was there, even after suffering abuse from you and everyone else! " I started walking off, Jarred caught up to me.

We walked in silence for he next 4 hours. We come to a place that look abandon .

"Kelly stay here I'll go in and see if it's safe for us to stay the night."

He turned to start heading towards the door. Before he could open it he stopped dead in his tracks. His whole body froze and his head tilted up as if he was smelling something. The next thing I see is the front door of the old wooden house swing open and this beautiful girl standing there she has medium length brown hair, bright blue eyes, and tan skin.

She freezes as soon as she sees Jarred in front of her. As I'm watching this happened before me I realize right then that they both have found their mate.

"Mate" they both say in unison.

"Well this was unexpected,can we move this inside cause I'm exhausted and I'm sure y'all would want to get to know one another" I say to them both.

"Umm. Sure I guess come on in " the girl said as she stepped to the side to let's us in. We follow her into the living room.

"So what are y'all doing out here ? There is no packs near me."

"Well that's a long story"

"It looks like we have all night I have time, why don't I go make us something to eat and y'all can tell me y'all's story and then I'll tell y'all mine. How's that sound?"

"Umm.. ok. I'm Kelly what's your name?"

"Nice to meet you Kelly I'm Faith,and what is your name mate? "

"Jarred beautiful"

When Jarred said that Faith's cheeks got red as a tomato. It was the cutest sight.

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