chapter 7: Welcoming

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Saturday the day of the party

Today is the day I will be officially accepted in to the Blood Night pack. The back yard and pool area has been turned in to a party area. There is colorful lights strung threw out. Tables ,chairs set up around the back yard. Music is playing , the kitchen area out side and inside are fully stocked with any and all drinks. Food has been prepared.

I'm currently in our room putting the final touches on for my outfit . I have on a knee length black dress, it is strapless and has a heart shaped neckline. My make up is light and natural look. My hair is in a side braid. As I'm pulling on my black heels Dom walks in.

"Wow baby you look stunning" he says with lust in his eyes as his eyes roam my body.

"Thank you baby " as I feel my cheeks heat up from the blood rushing to them.

We made our way down stairs and out the back door to the the grass area where there was a stage put up a microphone and stand. Alpha Mark his beta ,Luna and Kyle where already up there waiting. The pack was seated through out the yard.

"Hello my fellow pack members .I want to thank you all for coming out to celebrate the welcoming of my sons mate and your future Luna Kelly Dixie former member of the Skylight pack. "Alphas voice boomed.

The pack cheered loudly with excitement to have their future Luna and a new pack member.

"Please welcome to the stage Kelly Dixie future Luna of the Blood night pack".

As I walked across the stage to stand by Alpha Mark , everyone was cheering and howling with excitement. I turn and faced the crowd to address them properly.

"Good evening my fellow pack members. "I say with a genuine smile on my face as my eyes scan the crowd.

" I just want to say thank you all so much for coming and welcoming me into this amazing pack. As your future Luna I promise you to do everything in the packs best interest. I promise to protect this pack and every one of you with my life. I will do my best to guide us all down the right path. I promise to stand by my mate and your future Alpha Dominic regardless of how tuff things get. I will be here for anyone of you . I look forward to what the future holds for us all and can't wait to get to know each and every one of you. " I say with so much confidence.

To be honest I'm completely shocked where that came from. I am normally not a public speaker and I'm usually a shaking ball of nervous. After my speech everyone howled and cheered for me again. Alpha Mark took over once again.

" Thank you Kelly for your speech,we are looking forward to see how you can help this pack grow even stronger." Alpha says to me with a smile. He then turns back to the pack and address them once again.

"We will now add Kelly to our pack."Alpha says.

How is this is done? You may ask, well it is done by taking a special pack knife and slicing your hand and Alpha does the same. Then we are to connect hands and allow our blood to mix. When it does mix the connection between the pack and the new pack member is formed. Which means you will smell like the territory ,in this case is pumpkin, you will also be able to mind link anyone in the pack as well as the pack can now mind link you. Once mine and Alpha blood is mixed I can feel the connection to the pack. As future Luna I am given some of Alpha strength while the connection is formed. As soon as it's completed , alpha turns back to the crowd and address them once again.

This time I'm so nervous,due to the fact that he is about to tell everyone my secret. I grab ahold of Dom's hand and lean in closer. He leans down towards my ear and whisper,

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