Chapter 5: Training

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(Kelly's work out clothes^)

Kelly POV

The next morning,
It's the first day of my training. I'm currently standing in my walk in closet, putting on my Nike gym clothes that Dom had bought for me. It's black leggings and a black sports bra with a grey tank top. I put on my black and white Nike shoes as well and pull my long black hair into a ponytail. Once I am done , I grab my pink water bottle and my new black iPhone,and head downstairs to the kitchen to meet everyone else.

As I'm on the last couple of stairs I'm hit with the amazing smell of my mate,which gives me a smile that reaches my eyes. I turn the corner and enter the kitchen where I see Dom ,his beta Kyle ,his dad,the current Alpha Mark, his mom the current Luna Lynn are all standing around the islanded talking. As I enter I see Dom's eyes snapped up towards me and his smile grows even brighter , showing his pure white teeth.

"Good morning my love, are you ready for training? " He ask as he kisses my cheek .

"Yes ,im actually really excited to finally get some training for the first time in my life!" I say as I take a bite of my bagel with blueberry cream cheese.

Once everyone finished eating their breakfast we all headed out to the training grounds that's behind the pack house to the right. The training grounds have some workout equipment,a fighting ring , and a track .

"What will we work on first?" I ask Dom, as I'm finishing up my stretches.

"Strength and speed" he responds.

"Kyle will show you the speed you should have in both wolf and human form " he explains. I nod my head at him.

" Ok Kyle I want you to run a mile as fast as you can,when you hit the mile mark I want you to change in to your wolf . Go ! "Dom shouts using his alpha tone.

Kyle took off so fast I almost was scared to blink, afraid I would miss it. He hit his mile mark in just a minute and jumped in the air and changed into his tan wolf. He finished his second mile in under a minute in his wolf form. I was so amazed at his speed.

"Now Kelly I want you to only run in your human form I don't want you to change into your wolf just yet." Dom says to me.

"Ok" I respond.

" Don't worry bout how long it takes you I just want to see how much training you will need "Dom says. I nod.

"Ok and go. "

I take off as fast as I can and my mile beings.

"You have hit your mile make Kelly " Dom tells me.

"How did I do ?"I question.

"You finished in just 5 mins baby. "He says with a proud smile on his face.

"But not as fast as Kyle"I pout.Dom and Kyle both laugh at my childish behavior.

"Babe don't worry about it ,you did a great job for your first time ,you are fast and with some more training you will be as fast as lighting "he says to me .

"Dom's right Kelly .I have never seen a non trained wolf run as fast as you ,be proud of your self . Before you know you ,you will be one bad ass Luna ". Kyle tells me with pride in his eyes.

"You have no idea how much that statement is true " dom says.

We move on to weight lifting and pull ups , we also did some push ups and sit up. As I finish my last set of 59 push ups ,I fall in to the grass ,and breathe a sigh of relief . The training lasted about 4 hrs.

"Im ready to pass out " I say as I try to catch my breath.

"Oh suck it up Kel that wasn't that bad !" My wolf Athena decided to comment.

"Hush no one asked for your opinion" I say back with an eye roll . Athena just chucked a wolfy chuckle and went back to the back of my mind.

"I'm hungry, let's go back to the house and grab some lunch " kyle says to us.

"I agree but I'm hitting the shower first. " We all chuckled and headed back inside. Once we are in the house I make my way to our room and go to my closet and grab a pair of blue jean shorts a white crop top and a flower throw over and head to the bathroom.

After my shower I get out grab my fluffy white towel dry my self off and get dressed. I pick up my work out clothes and put them in the laundry basket that's in the bathroom closet and make my way out of the room. As I come back into the room Dom is in there.

"Hey babe, do you mind if we talk to my dad and Kyle about you being a Sliver wolf ?" He asks.

" If you feel you can trust them then I'm ok with it if you are."

" I trust them both with my life, I know they will keep your secret as would anyone in our pack."
He states.

" So when do you plan on talking to them about it?"

" After lunch I have requested meeting with Dad and kye already so we can plan your welcoming party,so we can just do it then ."

" Sounds to to me " I reply with a smile.

We make are way down stairs to the kitchen. Once we enter the kitchen we see Kyle stuffing his face full of chips.

" Slow down there ky we don't want you to choke " Dom says playfully to him.

Ky chuckles in reply. Dom has one of the omegas make us grilled cheese and ham sandwiches with tomato soup for lunch. Once she is done cooking we sit at the table and eat as a peaceful silence sounds us.

After we ate, Dom, me, alpha Mark ,ky and ,Luna Lynn all make our way to Alpha marks office, since it's soundproof.

In his office he has a wall behind him that has a bay window that over looks the back yard. Which is gorgeous I might add ,it has a big play ground for all the pups to play on , a big swimming pool with a mini waterfall ,a hot tub.

A bar area with grills and a mini kitchen. The beautiful green forest just behind that. He has a 55 in TV on his wall that has multiple views of the whole territory, which I'm assuming is his secretary system. His desk is brown with a desktop computer a few pictures of his family a file cabinet sits behind him,that holds records of everyone in his pack. And his chair is a black office chair, he also has 2 couches in his office and a glass coffee table in between them. We all take a seat on either couch and the meeting begins.

"Dad ,I know we are all here to discuss the party for Kelly but we also have something important to share with you all. We wanted to talk to you mom and Kyle so we can decide how and when we should tell the pack." Dom says with seriousness in his voice.

"Ok ,son, is everything ok? " Alpha Mark asks.

" Kelly isn't just a regular she-wolf dad" after he says that everyone head snapped towards me in surprise.

" What do you mean son ?" He father ask.

" I'm a Sliver  wolf Alpha ".

Well cats out of the bag ... Or wolf lol . sorry for such a late upload, had a busy day today. Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter. What do you think will be everyones reaction to the news ? Please don't forget to comment thoughts and vote.

Much love
Kimmie ❤️

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