Chapter 3

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Kelly's Pov

As I was sitting under the tree I could hear some rustling of the leaves and twigs from the forest. Not really to worried about it I just continue to look up at the sky.

That is untill out of no where a pure black wolf with the most amazing Hazel eyes come in to view. I watch him as quite and still as I can. I'm so scared that I will get another beating for even being out here in the first place.

The wolf's head is up in the air as if he is sniffing something then it snaps to me. I press my body as close as possible to the tree ,but it does me no good. The wolf is now right in front of of me staring at me and before I know it, it's head is in my neck taking in my scent. Then he takes off behind the tree I'm guessing to shift in to his human form.

As he is coming back around I slowly stand up. He comes right up to me. When he does I'm hit with the most intoxicating smell mint and chocolate and it's coming from this green eyed ,handsome god in front of me. I have to fight the urge to just jump in his arms and let him claim me right there.

He looks me straight in my eyes and says the word I have been waiting so long to hear "mate " he says in the sexiest husky voice I've heard come from a man. It sent shivers down my spine.

"Mate ,mate Kelly he is out mate !" Athena yells at me through our link , I snap out of my thoughts and it finally clicks this Greek god is my mate ! OMG OMG OMG .

I look up into his eyes and stuttered " I -I can-n-nt be anyone's m-ate" I dropped my gaze and looked at my feet like they where the most interesting thing I've seen.

He had snapped out of the haze he was in and finally realized what we both had said.

He took a step back and said " Why the hell not ? We are made for eachother. " he said with a bit of confusion. 

I whimpered a little and looked up and whispered "I'm sorry" and took off towards the pack house.

Dominic was gaining on me. What was I thinking. I mentally face palmed my self. I can't out run an Alpha and to make it even worse the alpha of the strongest most powerful pack in the world. He tackled me to the ground and held me there. We were now in between the pack house and guess house .

It would be my luck everyone was out and about when this happened and that included the Blood Night pack members as well , well the ones that came here with Dominic at least. Any way back to the matter at hand.

"Why are you running from me?Are you rejecting me as your mate? "
Dom asked me. Before I could answer Alpha Joe came over and asked

"Dominic did this stupid girl do something to you ? If so you have my permission to kill her right now " He said as he glared daggers at me.

I coward back and actually closer to Dom. Then I heard the most powerful growl ever and it came from Alpha Dominic.

Before anyone could register what was going on Dom had managed to get  me from under him throw me to ,what I'm guessing is his beta , and grabbed alpha Joe by the neck and slammed him on the ground in front of everyone.


Alpha Joe nodded his head as much as he could. Dom let him go and scanned the crowed.

" Let this go for anyone else who thinks it's ok or will be ok to harm my mate or anything like that ! You will be dealing with me and not only me you will declaring WAR against our packs and we all know y'all won't stand a chance to us !"

His voice boomed through out the yard and everyone bowed their heads to Dom. I shivered at how much power he held.

"D-Dominic c-can we talk " I whispered . Dom turned to me and when he made eye contact I could tell his wolf was in control ,due to his eyes being hazel and not his normal green eyes. I quickly ran over to him and put my hand on his chest and he began to clam down and his eyes went back to green.

"Let's go in side we can talk in private there " Dom said to me . I simply just nodded.

Once we we're inside Dom looked at me and said

"what's your name "

I was looking at the floor to scared to look up and get hit for looking him directly in the eyes.

" Please ,look at me " Dom plead with me.

I finally lift my gaze up and said " My name is Kelly Dixie."

A smile broke out on my mates face which made me want to smile.I couldn't, I wasn't aloud to have happiness.

" Alpha ...." I started to say before my mate cut me off ,

"Just Dominic or Dom is fine "

" Ok.. Dominic, I'm sorry b-but w-we can't be mates . " I said with a frown.

He glared at me and asked me "why " I looked at him and said ,

" I am a broken girl ,I'm ugly,fat , worthless ,stupid ,and so much more , I have scares more then anyone could imagine and I'm not aloud to have happiness." Tears sprung from my eyes .

"Kelly stop what are you doin he is our mate he won't hurt us , he stood up for us out there . Please Kelly let's give him one chance please. You deserve happiness don't listen to those fuckers " my wolf Athena growled at me.

"I" was all I managed to get out before I felt the most pain I have ever felt in my life. It was like a hot rod being pressed all bling my body while being twisted .A scream left me and before I knew it Dom was at my side catching me as my body was falling to the floor.

"Relax ,your going to be ok baby." Dom cooed as he rubbed my head down to my back.

"Ok .babe I need you to close your eyes and let your wolf have the control , she will get the job done quickly,just listen to everything I'm saying and you will be ok. Do you understand my love."

"Yess ,please make it stop. "

"Ok I'm going to call your wolf forward , what is her name ?"


"Athena please come forward to help Kelly through this shift. "

After Dom spoke I felt Athena come forward and push me into the back of my mind . The next thing I know I'm back in control and standing on all four paws!

"Wow Kelly y'all are beautiful" my mate said as he looked at me with so much love, happiness and pride in his eye.

"Look For Your Self ." With that I turned my big wolfy head and looked at my self in the the full body mirror that was in the conference room of the guess house .

What I saw staring right back at me was the most beautiful bright green eyes, my fur was a beautiful sliver color ! So soft so shiny.

" Athena , we are so beautiful"I said to my wolf .

" Yes we are kel , and we are so special never forget it " Athena says to me.

"Ok Kelly I'm going to help you change back . All you do is picture the way you look in your human form." Dom said to me.

I did as I was told and to my surprise is wasn't painful either ,and when I looked back up to Dom he had this shocked look on his face.

"D-Dominic ,what's wrong " I studder out.

"Kelly you changed back with clothes on ,do you know how rare that is my love ? He whispered to me . I shake my head in reply.

"Kelly we can't tell anyone about this it can and will put you in danger. We must leave by tomorrow night so we can get you back to our pack. You will have more protection there as well as training." He says in a clam voice but with seriousness to it

"Ok . I'll go home and gather my things and meet you back here in 10 minutes." I say in reply . I turn on my heal ,head to the front door and towards my mother's house.

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