chapter 14: United

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Kelly's POV

"Start talking" I say to him as I glared.

"When we were 8, I was told that you killed your father and Sister."

"By who ? " Faith asked him.

"My father, and Kelly's mom April. They had told everyone in the pack that you were the cause of their death. They ordered everyone to shun you. We were told to treat you like a rouge."

Faith and I both gasp at this information.

"Father told us their side of the story at a pack meeting that Kelly wasn't apart of. He said that Kelly had tricked her sister into going in the woods were she had her rouge friend waiting to attack her sister as soon as they were in the cover of the trees."

Faith grabs my hand as we are both listing to the bullshit story Joe and my mother told of the events. I let her hold my hand, it was nice to have the comfort of someone else after what I have been through. I return my focus back to Jarred.

" Once Mae was attacked Kelly then ran to her father begging for help,but it was only to lead him to the rouge as well. With Kelly's father being a protective father he wasted no time,he followed Kelly to his death.

"He said that they only found out cause one of the patrols saw the whole thing. He had the patrol tell everyone basically the same story he just did, but then father had him killed for not interfering with it."

"What " Faith and I say at the same time as both our jaws were dropped in shock and eyes wide in horror.

"From that day forward I treated Kelly like she was nothing, a spec of dirt I would beat her anytime we cross paths,cause I was ordered to. "

"I hated how she would beg for me to stop at first, cause I wanted to so bad.Kelly was like my sister before then,due to our parents all being best friends. After awhile Kelly didn't react when I would hit her. It was like she didn't feel it any more. It broke my heart even more."

"The day Kelly met Dominic her mate, I was happy for her but couldn't show it because I didn't want my father to know I was glad I wouldn't have to beat her any more ,but then April and my father dragged me into their plan to kidnap Kelly back to abuse her more. I went along with the plan Because I didn't want to lose my future title as Alpha."

"But after my father said he was going to mate with Kelly and kill my mother I knew I couldn't stay and continue to help him. So after my father and April had gone to sleep I knew it was then I would only get one shot to get Kelly out of there as well as my self. No I didn't do it for her ,I did it for mainly my self. "

"After I decided to do it I went straight to Kelly, then we left,and we'll you know the rest of the story."

"Wow,just wow. Why would my mother and your father do this knowing damn well non of that story the told was the truth."

"I'm not sure Kelly ,but for what it's worth I am sorry for everything."

"Well Jarred I think you have alot to make up for but I'm glad you helped Kelly out even if it was only for your selfish reasons. "

"I don't trust you Jarred but I do forgive you. It takes to much energy to hate someone so I forgive you."

"Thank you Kelly ,I will gain your trust back I promise"

"You better " Faith and I both said which had us both bust out laughing.

"Wow we are on the same wave length Kelly "

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