Chapter 11: Darkness

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Kelly POV

Mmm ,I mumble as I'm becoming aware of my surroundings. Coming out of the sleeping state I was in.

I open my eyes , instantly greeted by darkness. Panic sets in as flashes start rushing back to me of the events that took place.

Dom ,omg where is Dom ! I shout looking around in the dark as best as I could. I try to get up only to be pulled back down. I realize I'm chained up.

"Athena are you there ?"

"Kelly I'm here "

"Oh thank God"

"Where do you think we are ? I can't smell any scents"

"I'm not sure Kel,just try to stay calm and we will make it out of this together. Remember we are a sliver wolf we WILL survive I promise"

"Thanks Athena for sticking beside me. "

"Always" Athena says in soothing voice.

I lay back down and try to go back to sleep so I can have as much strength as possible for what ever is about to come my way.

I felt this jolt of pain through out my body ,which makes me jump out of the sleep I was in. I look at my surroundings. What I see is no shock to me, it's my mother , Alpha Joe and his son Jarred.

I bite back the scream that wants to escape my lips. I refuse to give them the satisfaction of hearing the amount of pain I'm in. They were taking a sliver knife and carving the word murder in my ribs ,on my thighs and arms.

For those that don't know sliver and wolfsbane are were wolf's weakness. With wolfsbane it's like an acid that will burn you from the inside out. Sliver feels like you have fire from the pits of hell biting at your skin. It takes 10 times longer for a wolf to heal when injured with a sliver weapon.

" So glad to see you have finally woken up"

"Why mother why must you have this hate towards me! I was only a child !" I shout at my mother.

She punches me across my jaw. I feel it dislocate, but still don't cry out in pain.

"It's your fault! You took your sister to the woods ,which in return caused your father to go after y'all and then the rouge took both of them from me ! You should have died instead of them ! She shouts at me with so much venom in her voice.

" I didn't know what was going to happen ! You think your the only one who has lost anyone! Haha please mother I lost my father baby sister and you all in one day ! And I was only 8 for crying out loud!

She runs over to me, with the sliver knife in hand and shouts "I hate you " as she swings the knife to stab me in the heart Joe shouts ,

"Enough!" As he catches her hand in mid air.

"April don't listen to this shit anymore, Jarred grab that cloth and tape. Pur the cloth in her mouth and tape it there make sure she can't say another word."

"Yes father"

Jarred did as his father asked of him. Once he finished taping. They left the room. I was left alone once again but this time in pain and now gagged. As Jarred was taking care of me Joe took my mother out of the room to cool down.

A little while later Jarred came back with Joe but not mother. I had a confused look on my face, but once Joe spoke it cleared my confusion.

"It's now our time to have some fun with you ! " Joe spoke in a sinister voice.

" You see, April wants revenge for the death of your father and sister. She wants to end your life quickly but,I want other things. " He says to me as he is looking at the tools to see what he wants to hurt me with.

I didn't miss the confused look on Jarred face either when his father said that.

"Athena you see Jarred's reaction to his father ?"

"Ya I did "

"Maybe he can be our ticket out of here if we can turn him against his father and my mother "

"I agree ,let's do it"

"What do you want to do father ? "

"Shut up ,I wasn't finished Jarred !

Joe says as he back hands Jarred. Jarred is surprised by his fathers action and stumbles a bit but quickly composes his self.

"As I was saying , I want power and you dear can give me that. I know your wondering how ,well I'll tell you. "

"One we know your strong so having you around can be useful. Two I want Dom to come after you so I can take him down for good and take over his pack. 3. I will mate with you your power and strength will be mine as well but that's after I kill my current Luna !"
Joe says in the most evil voice I have ever heard.

I gasp in response,and Jarred eyes widen in horror as realization hits him.

"Father what are you talking about , I thought we hated her for getting her father, your best friend,killed as well as her little sister?" Jarred says in a scared voice.

"Son you really are as stupid as you look. I don't give a dam about any of that all I care for is power! Kelly here is exactly how I gain it. Why do you think I haven't made you Alpha? "

Jarred drops his head in shame as his hopes and dreams of being a great Alpha comes crashing down.

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