Chapter 17 : Process

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Kelly's POV,

I'm woken up from a knock on the door. I stretch my arms and look to see if Dom is in the bed, I see he isn't so I grumble due to the fact I now have to get up out of bed.

I open the door to a smiling Faith. "Come on you lazy bum ! It's already 1 pm !

"Ugh why can't I stay in bed all day" i whine as I try to crawl back in bed.

"Oh no you don't" faith yells at me as she flips my bed making me crash to the floor.

"Bitch ,what was that for " I glared at her .

She chuckles at me " to keep you from staying in bed any longer! Now get your ass up and take a shower we are hanging out today ! You have moped around long enough it's been a month Kelly ! "

"I know fay its just so hard for me , she said she was sorry to me I saw the mother I have missed for years for the first time and now she is gone. "

"Kel you had to do what you did . She wanted it you have to. So stop blaming your self. Now come on you have a pack and family here that need you."

"Your right. Ok give me a few minutes to shower and then I'll be down"

"Ok deal ,and don't you dare think about getting back in bed." She says as she walks out and closes the door behind her.

I just shake my head and chuckle at my best friend.


I am walking into the kitchen but as soon as I step in ,I'm in closed and pulled into a hug.

I look up from the hug and realize it's my mate, my best friend ,ky, Dom's parents ,ky little sister, and Jarred.

"Wow guys thank you for the warm welcome" I chuckle.

"We are so glad you finally came down we were all so worried about you sweetie" Dom's mom says to me.

"I'm sorry guys ,I guess I need to take the time to process everything that has happened, But I can promise you all that I won't be picking my self in the room any more. " I smile at all of them.

We all got our food and ate lunch.

After lunch every one agreed that we would all just hang out in the living room and watch movies all day.

"Who picks first ?" I ask

"Me "

"No me "

"No me "

Jarred and fay went back and forth until ,Dom stepped in

"I will he stated " with a smirk on his face

"Not fair Alpha" fay childish said.

We all laughed at her.

"Don't worry fay you can pick the next one." I say to sooth her.

"Yay " she claps her hands together and snuggles up to Jarred while ,Dom puts in a movie.

As everyone is watching the movie a take a second to look at all the people around me. I can't believe how much my life has changed.

I'm now surrounded by people who care for me. I have a wonderful mate who is there for me no matter what. I know have parent figures in my life. I have a best friend who is a bundle of energy. I have friends now.

I smile just thinking of everyone in the room.

"What's got you so happy " Dom whispers in my ear.

"Just the people I have in my life now everyone in this room is the cause for this smile " i answer truthfully.

Dom catches my lips in his and kisses me with so much passion. I don't take anytime to respond.

I snake my arms around his neck as my fingers find their what in to his silky smooth hair. He hugs me tighter.

"Beautiful you better stop now or I'ma have to take you away from this movie" I chuckle at his comment.

We turn back to the movie and enjoy the rest of our day surrounded by the ones we care for most.


It's a few days after we had our family time. It's just me fay and Meaghan (ky little sister ) . We all decided we needed a girls day. So we all went to the mall.

"We should go in her " Fay says pointing to Victoria secrets.

"Umm I'm ok y'all go head " Meaghan says.

"Come one Meg it's not that bad ," i say to try and get her to come in the store.

"Why tho I don't have a mate to show them off to. " Meg states as her head slightly drops.

" Well look at it this way then you will be prepared to rock your matea world when he finally shows up "


"What I'm just saying "she smirks

"Ok let's go you guys are right " Meg says with a smile .

As we as getting some stuff that caught our eyes. Fay asked

"So Kel have you started your heat ? "

How could I completely forget about getting heat. For those that don't know what heat is. Its basically a period for female werewolfs ,but more intense.

When a female has her heat she feels like she is on fire and is burning from thw inside out. Her scent becomes like a drug to not only her mate but all inmates males as well. This last for three days. The only way for the female to have any relief is to mate with her mate. He is the only one that can stop the pain,but the female has a higher chance of becoming pregnant.

"No, not yet,but probably will soon. What about you ? "

"Nope"she replies poping the p.

We all head to the check out and then once we were done we all headed to the car with all the stuff we got from todays shopping trip. We tossed all the bags in the back and headed back to the pack house.


Hey my little wolf's ! I know this is a really short chapter but I wanted to get a update for you guys ! Don't worry the next chapter will be longer I promise!

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Muh love ❤️
Luna Dreamer ❤️

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