chapter 4: Blood Night Pack

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Kelly's Pov

I make my way through the path down to my mother's house. I open the door ,once I walk in my mother yanks my arm and slams me into the wall.

"You worthless bitch ,what do you think you are doing ! My mother yells at me,as she slaps me across the face.

My hand comes up to my burning cheek and I glare at my mother for the first time in my life !

"I'm leaving this hell mother and I won't ever return!! " I scream at her,and turn around swing open the door and take off to the guest house back to my mate.

I bust open the front door and yell "Dominic".

Dom comes flying down the stairs and towards me with a worried expression on his face.

"Kelly is everything ok. Did someone hurt you? I'll kill them I swear " he says with burning rage ,and concern in his voice. I shake my head at him and put my hand on his chest and he visibly relaxes under my touch.

"I decided I don't need anything from this hell whole I want to start new with you so can we please just go now. " I state with pleading eyes. Dom's face lit up like the fireworks on the 4th of July.

"Yes of course my love let me tell my father and the others and we will leave. " With that he runs back upstairs and tells everyone we are leaving.

The Blood Night territory is about 3 hrs away from Skylight territory. So I decided I would take a nap untill we get there.

3 Hours later

My eyes flutter open as I feel Sparks traveling up my arm and through my whole body. Which can only mean my mate is shaking me to get up.

Let me explain a few things about mates and how you know your truly mates. The first sign is there scent, I know you might say well doesn't everyone have a scent. Well yes they do but your mates scent is more prone to you. It makes all of the nerves in your body come alive all at once.

The second sign is the sparks you feel when they touch you, it sends a pleasurable feeling through out your body.

Mates are very protective and possessive of there other half. Mates are the second half of your soul that the moon goddess has selected to love ,chairish you throughout yall's life.

Your mates wolf and your wolf will have the same characteristics as you in human form meaning, if you have black hair and blue eyes your mates wolf will have black fur and blue eyes and if your mate has blond brown hair and green eyes your wolf will have brown fur and green eyes. Now back to my mate.

"Baby girl we have arrived at the pack house " he tells me in a soothing voice. I site up and when my eyes land on the pack house my jaw hits the floor with how beautiful and big it is.

The house is 3 stories high and has white and green on the out side of it porches on every level and a gorgeous staircase leading to the front door.

I step out of the black Escalade and grab Dom's hand. "It's gorgeous, I am in love with it already! " I say in awe.

"I'm glad you like it baby" he says as he chuckled. "Let's get you inside it's been a long day." he tells me.

I follow him in side and am blown away even more. There is a big 2 layer chandelier in the middle of the entry. A 2 sided stair case that leads to the other levels to my right is a hallway that leads to some rooms ,same as the left and straight ahead.

Dom tells me that the first level has the offices to the right side of the hallway, to the left is the kitchen and dining area and straight ahead is the living room, game room and the back door that leads out to the back yard.

The second level is for the unmated wolf's and the top level is the living areas and bedrooms of the alpha, and beta family. The rest of the pack that has mates ,and family's have their own houses all through out the territory which is more than big enough to hold 800 members !

We head up to the 3rd floor and we go down the hall to the last door on the left. Once in side I see a huge space it's as big as a 2 bedroom apartment.

He has the walls painted a cream color and his king size bed,dressers and night stands ,book shelves are all brown , he has a 65 in TV on his wall a sectional brown and tan couch in the room that sits in front of the TV . To the left is a door and to the right are 2 more doors. He tells me that the one on the left is his walk in closet and to the right is now my walk in closet and the other door is our bathroom.

"This room is the best room I have ever been in !I have never had my own bed or even a closet for my things,which I didn't ever have much of." I say will a said smile.

Dom looks at me and says " well from now on you will not need for anything you will get what ever you need and I want, I will give you the world if you ask me too. I have already have stuff you will need in your closet I had one of my female pack members go shopping while we where headed here . She has bought you tons of leggings,jeans ,shorts .bras underwear anything you can think of you now have" he says with a proud smile on his face.

"Thank you so much Dom forever thing. "I say to him as I look through all my new stuff.

I end up grabbing a pair of matching grey silk night clothes and head to the bathroom to do my nightly routine.

I finish my business in the bathroom and make my way over to the king size bed and crawl under the big fluffy white blanket and snuggle up to Dom. As we are laying there I ask Dom

" Dom could we start my training in the morning?"

" Of course baby" he says back to me.

" thank you , goodnight Dom "

"good night beautiful " Dom replies back.

For the first time in so long ,I close my eyes with a genuine smile on my face and let the peaceful darkness consume me.

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