Chapter 16: War

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"As you wish" Dom says as he stands ready to pounce.

Our warriors and pack members all come running and take the stands around the territory. We have them completely surrounded.

" Sky light stand down! " jarred mom says using her Luna tone. The pack members that were willing to fight stood down and mumbled a yes Luna to her.

"Joe what is going on ? "

"A war! " he stated as he lunged at Dom.

Dom was quick to step to the side and Joe landed on all fours. He turned around and snapped his jaws at Dom .

Dom shifted quickly and started circling Joe. The members of joes pack shifted and joined the fight.

My pack was taking them down quickly. As I was watching the fighting I hear faith yell for me to watch out.

I turn to see my mother running at me I brace my self as I get ready to  fight her.

She swings her fist at my face , I quickly duck and swing my fist , it hits her under her chin and I hear a crack. I smirk as I see her stumble and grab her jaw.

"I'm not the same weak little girl mother" I growl out at her.

She laughs a wicked laugh. "You will always be weak " she states as she swings her leg to kick me. I catch her leg and grab her by her throat and throw her in to a post.

She hit the post with force and I here her gasp as the air was knocked out of her.

" You are wrong mother , I am stronger than anyone here ! I'm am more powerful than any witch alive. You are wrong about me in more ways then you know ! "

She struggles to get up but when she does she looks at me and says " I will have my revenge today !" With that she shifts and comes at me.

I don't bother moving or shifting I hold my head high and stand tall. With my Luna strength and powers I say one word " Heal " and with that her wolf stops instantly.

"Shift" I command her wolf. Her wolf listens .

"What the hell ?" She ask with confusion clear on her face. She uses her hands to try and cover her naked body.

" I told you mother I am more powerful then you know " I smirk at her as I go up to her.

Before I can say another word Faith is beside me and tells me to look around, I turn and what I see is unbelievable.

When I turned around I saw not only my pack but Skylight pack have stopped fighting and have all shifted back in human form. They were all looking at me some had confusion evident on their faces while my pack had pride on theirs.

Not only have the members stopped fighting and shifted but Dom and Joe have as well.

Dom has a few warriors get a hold of joe and walks up to stand beside me.

"You did this my beautiful mate" he says with pride.
"You stopped the blood shed with only 2 words, what will you like to do next my Luna ?"

"I want to deal with my mother first then we will deal with everyone else " he nods in response and steps to the side with our beta and third in commands are standing.

I turn back to my mother to see her looking around in disbelief.

"Mother" she snaps her head back to me. She raises an eye brow at me.

" You do know that I have loved you through all the years even when you have treated me like shit. Every time you kicked me. Every time she slammed me in to things . Every time you punched me in the face. Every time you used a sliver knife to cut hateful words into my body. Every time you called me names . Every time you turned the other way when I would scream for your help when Joe would beat me. Every time you allowed your friends to beat me until I was unconscious in a pool of my own blood. Every time you have blamed me for my sister and fathers death. Even when you took me away from my mate and pack! I have loved you ! I said with so much emotion,

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