I Don't Know What Your Story Is About And Apparently Neither Do You

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Let me paint a picture for you. 

I'm scrolling through Wattpad because I'm sitting in a weird-ass waiting room to see my therapist and eye contact scares me so I'm staring at my phone. I'm trying to find a cool new fanfic to read to pass the time, get a few chapters deep so I can decide if I should read it or not after my appointment. 

I see a fic. It has a cool enough cover, the title seems nice, and it's with a character I really dig and is lacking good fanfiction. So I click on it, ready to read the description and decide if I'll like it or not and-

And there's no fucking descRIPTION

I don't know where or when this fucking trend started where the descriptions of books on Wattpad is just some quote from the story or even just some random-ass quote that literally has nothing to do with the story. But I do know I don't fucking like it.

Like, you want me to want to be intrigued by your fanfiction. A title means nothing until I understand its' context within the story, and the covers aren't really great on Wattpad anyways. So why aren't you actually telling me about tHE FUCKING STORY, KAREN

I'm tired, y'all. 

So now I have to click into the actual fanfiction to read the waaaaaay too fucking long description and now I feel obliged to read on even if it doesn't suit my tastes, and I wasted my time reading it in the first place when it could've just been in the description box like a normal ass book and y'all ain't slick. 

If your description is too long to fit into the description section, you don't understand how descriptions work. 

Listen. We already talking about the pre-chapters getting out of hand. And the first one is always fucking dedicated to describing the story as if there isn't a place where you can already do that???? Bitch?

Look, I get it. You wanna put your slick quote in there. Fine. Have the quote, and then put the description BELOW it. Revolutionary! And if there isn't enough room, your description is still too fucking long. Don't write me an essay. Just give me a damned short blurb on what it's about so I can decide if I like the premise or not. 

Just give me something. Pls. 


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