Bodysnatchers, or something I guess

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So my last few chapters have strayed from the comedic effect of this ranting and gone into like, actual advice territory, so we can't have that. I'll try to be more dramatic with more obscure references from now on. 

Face claims are, like, a thing, I guess. Or so I'm told. And like everything else, y'all overthinking this shit hardcore. 

Look, I don't give a flying fuck who your face claim is. I don't even give a walking fuck, okay?

The only things a face claim tells me is 'oh, so she's a blonde white girl with blue eyes, sounds Gucci' and then I literally forget every other facial feature. You could change the face claim halfway through and I would not care, nor would I notice. 

I might just be bad at recognizing faces, but we don't need to talk about it. 

Basically, all your face claim tells a reader, is shit you should already be telling your fucking reader within the actual story. 

I should find out through the first couple of chapters through description what your OC looks like anyways. I'm not saying fucking info dump that shit on me, we talked about that, but I should slowly find out through details mentioned. The OC brushing their long curly red hair behind their ear, or them studying their blue eyes in the reflection. That shit. 

It's just tiring to see lists and lists of actors or models for face claim ideas. Most of whom all look the fucking same anyways because of Hollywood beauty standards. It's basic and boring. I don't care if you chose a face claim that's "overused" and I'm frankly tired of the hatred around it. 

You want a redhead OC and choose Madelaine Petsch? Good for you. You need a blonde OC and go for Sabrina Carpenter? Wonderful, you do you. 

And for fuck's sake. Marvel owns everything. Marvel owns your soul, Marvel owns my toes. If you find the perfect face claim but they're already an MCU character?

Dude, stop fucking caring.

Unless that actor plays like, one of the main Avengers cast, it does not fucking matter. It's not like the actor is going to play your fucking OC. Calm down. You're literally just picking a basic framework face and body to use as a model and reference for your OC, and maybe some cutesy gifs and edits for your cover and cast section. It doesn't matter.

Do you think it matters that fucking much? Guess what motherfucker. Hot Tub Time Machine is referenced in Endgame, meaning it exists in the MCU as a fictional movie. You know who's a main character in Hot Tub Time Machine? Sebastian Stan. You know why plays Bucky Barnes? Sebastian Stan. Sebastian Stan canonically has to exist in the MCU in order for Hot Tub Time Machine to exist, but at the same time, Bucky still has to exist.

Does your head hurt yet? 

As I said, Marvel owns everything. Stop worrying about accidentally repeating some actor with your face claim and just go for it. It doesn't matter. 


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