Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov

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If y'all don't get that reference you're just uncultured and that's that.

Let's talk about age differences.

They're okay. That's it. That's all I have to say. They're fine and you shouldn't be ashamed or weirded out by them.

Okay, let's actually explain this.

As a reader, it's perfectly fine if you're squicked out of a fanfic because the OC is in their twenties and being shipped with Tony, who's in his fifties. That's your choice, you do you. But don't tell other people what to write and what not to write.

Basically, if you're the writer, don't be shamed out of writing your OC at the age you want to write them. 

Age in the MCU is already a tricky thing, with time travel and gods and ice baths that last seventy years. But even if it weren't, why the fuck does age matter?

In a relationship between two consenting adults (though technically some places have the age of consent at 17 or 16, we'll say 18 for ease of convenience) it is nobody's fucking business how old either party is. 

It is not abusive, it is not a fetish, it is not weird. It's just how real life works. Sometimes people meet their soulmate who's ten or fifteen years older. Not everybody's true love is gonna be born in the same year under the same star sign. It ain't realistic, sis. 

If you write a young OC with an older MCU character, you aren't promoting anything abusive or weird or shameful. You're writing a love story, and those come in all shapes and sizes.

There are certainly predators of all ages, but that's just life. If you base your opinion on an age gap relationship by societal standards, you've got a sad life, dude.

I could give anecdotal examples in my life, like how I'm going to be a bridesmaid at my sister's wedding, who was seventeen when she started dating her now fiance in his thirties. Yes, it sounds weird. But that's just life and you've got no right to tell someone else what their love should look like.

Okay. This chapter got oddly preachy and serious. This is a topic dear to my heart, clearly. It's fucking personal, assholes. 

Basically, write whatever the fuck you want. Write the love story you want to write, in whatever shape or size it comes in. Stop being so weird about it just because it isn't a Hallmark romance. 


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