"Hi my name is Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way and I have long black ebony-"

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If you don't get the title reference you're not allowed to sit with me at lunch. 

So, let's talk about Chapter One. Oh riiight, the first chapter, the first chapter for the fanfiction, the chapter chosen specially to start the fanfiction, chapter one. That chapter?

Right. Okay. So there are many ways you can start a chapter. Especially the first one. You have endless choices and ways to start it off. You can do a dream sequence, a mundane scene to show your character's everyday life, a high tense situation to pull the reader in. Like I said. A lot of fun options.

You know what you shouldn't do, though?

f̵̧̹͉̱̞̯̰̼͈̥̺͎̣͗͋͝ͅư̶̧̨̡̡̨̡̢̧͖̞̰̝̤̤̹̗̝̭̞̤̳̲̭̝͖̱̥͓̖̰͗̊̎̆̂̒̓̏͌̽̎̚̚̕͜͜ͅc̴̨̻̜̬͚̙̗̗̰͓͉̯̼̭͎̝̳̙̩̩͎͓̮̜̮̬̞̀̽͊̌͗̇̿̀̓̾͂͋͗̃͊̿͊͋͐̔́̏̎̄͛̓̏̒̌͒͘͝͝k̷̛͔̙͍̩̆̀́́̑̑̾̈͛͒̓͒̍͑͘̚͠i̸̢̡͚̰͕̼̜̼͉͙̟̬̩̬̻̭̘̜̩̮͎̲̗̖͎̲͗̾̚͝ͅn̴̨̡̮͖̤̩͍̪͉̪̦̗̰͈͈̩̲̙̰͖͇͓̰͙̮͈̈́͆̇͑͌g̶̭̃͌̄̀̃͒͗̓̀̈̂̀̂͊̋̄̋̌͘̕ ̵̢̡̛̛̭̟̺̝̰̙̙̖̱̯͖̥̙͕̙̝͕̬̼͚́̔̒́̀̏̉̓̄͆͐̽̓̓͘͝ͅī̵̻̮̗̭͔̝͚̦̙͆̇̊͛̈̎̋͂̓̉͛̊̕̕ͅn̷̡̧̛̛̙͍̯͕̥̭̣͔͙͇̤̞̖̪̱̥̗̺̯̘̺̂̏̅͋͂̀̔̈́̅̌̃̂͆̀̏̈͆͌͊̆̃͐͛̐̅̇̂̏́̈́̂f̷̤͙̖̾͛̍̎̒ơ̴̛̗̪̩͂͌̿̏̌͒̄̀́̍̏͛͒̌̿̓̓̍̑͂̔̎̓͑̽͊̊̾͘͘͘͝͝d̶̗͎̝̥͚͕͖̠̟̓̍̔̊̂͛̈́̒͆͐͐̾̋̿̿̅̀̒̓͊̽̈́̓͋̐̋̏͒̽͆͘͜͠ư̷̡̡̩͖̦̭͔̳̜̜̳͔̖̖̫͖̳͆̉̆̈́̓̇̂͗̆͗̈̂̈́͛̑̈̑͑̽̚̕̕͜͝ͅm̴̛̺͍̱̣̟̬̬̜̺̍̆̅̈́̂̈̎̈̓̄̏́́̈͑̏͌̂͒̔̾͒͘͝͝p̷̥̗̓́̃̆̓̔̽̓͂̉͑̎͐̾͑̔̈́͑̑͂̓̀̈́͌͋͐̌̀͒́́̄

Listen. Fucking listen to me. I do not care if you have the information on what is inside Area 51 and the secrets to the universe itself. If you put all that information into one big fuck of a dump truck and pour it onto me and my dinner the second I open your first chapter, we gon have  Ṕ̴̝͓̣̿͝R̷̘̯̎ͅO̶̩͍̮͒̎B̴̧̮̙̭̦̉̓L̴̟̈́̊̾̔E̶͖͇͑̌̔M̴̲̒Ś̵̋̈́̏͠ͅ

Your first chapter is my first impression of your story. If you use your first chapter (or prologue, don't you dare think your trickass can get away with it because you used a prologue, bitch it don't count) to just give me every detail of your OC's backstory and who they are, I'm going to click out. And if I do stay with your fic, I am skimming over all of it so I hope it wasn't important.

I get it, Your OC's backstory is super important and you worked real fucking hard on it. But I am telling you right now, it is in the deepest layers of Hell where the best torture they use is tying my sorry ass to a tree and making me listen to nineteen pages of exposition and infodump on an OC that all gets brought up maybe once in the entire rest of the story. 

By dumping all that information, you're stuck in a paradox where if it is important, your reader is going to forget it because you just made them consume far too much information at one and if it isn't important than you just wasted your reader's time. 

Introducing your main character literally takes nothing more than just... introducing the scene. Are they at a library looking for a book for some reason? Good. Start there. Do not tell me anything that is not relevant to the scene about your OC. It will be out of place and fucking boring. Bring up important backstory when it becomes relevant or convenient to bring up. 

For example, let's say your OC is, oh I don't fucking know, the daughter of Loki. Who cares. Because of this, she's afraid of thunder, as it reminds her of Thor and she's a bit of an evil one so she doesn't like him too much. 

Now if this OC is looking in a library, that is not an opportune time to bring that backstory up. It's out of place and jarring, taking your reader out of your story. But, if say this OC is walking home from the library and it starts to rain and she hears a clap of thunder, THEN it would make sense for her to react, and think about Thor, giving you a chance to reveal some of her backstory. This doesn't mean you instantly infodump NOW, it means you give the first tease and mention of it as it works in the story.

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