I Got Yo Receipts, Binch

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So I was trying to think of my chapters for this because it's my most read book on Wattpad (tho my social media fic is about to pass it and idk who I feel about that since I put no effort into it) and I realized I meant to make this chapter awhile ago but forgot so here goes.

This chapter is just gonna be a bunch of links for websites or stuff I use when making books on Wattpad and just general shit I find helpful and I haven't seen anyone mention some of this stuff so here's an info dump of links.

app.grammarly.com - Listen, I've seen all the Grammarly ads and they're annoying and all that shit. but like, it's free, it will automatically check your work on Wattpad (it's currently yelling at me for the 'typo' in the title) and I've seen the mess of y'alls grammar so don't even try to play me

lingojam.com/FancyTextGenerator - I don't know who started the whole concept of using fancy text in Wattpad books, but like here's a link for you to copy and past fancy versions of your title, I guess

emojicopy.com - If you write on laptop/computer and need emojis in your fic, here's your new best friend

deviantart.com/kaishos/art/character-profile-template-123273743 -  An copy and paste-able blank character profile template for when you're building the basics of an OC

thescriptlab.com/screenwriting/character/creating-characters/23-character-questionnaire/ - A more in-depth copy and paste-able character questionnaire for figuring out the details of your OC

befunky.com/create/collage/ - My favourite site for making moodboards/collages, I don't use it much because I don't make many moodboards much but it's not bad

pixlr.com/x/ - The most in-depth but easy to use free photo editor that you don't have to download

gimp.org - A free but need to download photo editor that's probably the most complex photo editor besides Adobe that does take a learning curve, I'd recommend Pixlr if you aren't Grade A at editing

 notebook.ai - Not really too useful for fanfic tbh, but this is great if you're building a universe or world for your fic

tweetgen.com - For social media fics, this makes fake tweets and is super fucking easy to use

snapsr.com -Once again, for social media fics, this makes fake snapchats (note that when you click "generate" you will get a full-screen ad that you have to wait to skip in the upper right-hand corner)

Aaaaand, here's a list of YouTubers who give some great advice and I basically just regurgitate their words for this book:

- Jenna Moreci
- Alexa Donne
- Vivien Reis
- Shaelin Writes
- Hannah Lee Kidder

I just realized all of the best writerly YouTubers are women. Huh, I did not plan that. Basically, quit complaining about how bad you are at writing if you're not gonna try to learn and all that preachy stuff.

Okay, I gave you some links and resources. I'm gonna go crawl back under my rock and go back to watching weird reality tv on Netflix.

 I'm gonna go crawl back under my rock and go back to watching weird reality tv on Netflix

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