A PSA About Ship Names

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I'm baaaaaack on the bullshit, babey.

So my social media fic just broke 1k reads which is just another constant reminder than I shouldn't be allowed to internet because I put no effort into that dumb thing and did it on a whim. My thought was that I see people writing them, and having super slow updates despite how easy the chapters are to make since they're so damned short, and then I went and wrote an entire book.

I could rant for a while about social media fics, but anyway.

The point is, it made me think about how I had to create a ship name for the OC and Brie to make the fic work, and it got me thinking about ship names for OC/canon ships and I remembered the heart attack I once had over a ship name someone chose, so here's my rant of the day.

You can have a ship name for your OC/canon ship. Hell, I encourage it. It's fun and makes some terminology easier. But for the love of all that is unholy, be fucking careful what you pick your ship name as.

Because I read a fic, I don't even remember what one so don't try and tell me I'm calling someone out, but the ship was Peter with a daughter of Tony. Super typical, you do you, boo-boo. But they chose the ship name, Starker.

And I honest to god choked on coffee. I lost my mind laughing and texted my partner literally screaming.

For you sweet summer children who don't know, Starker is the ship name for Peter/Tony. And if you give that ship name to Peter/Your OC, I will only think of Peter/Tony the entire time reading your fic after you call it that. And I will scream laughing every time you call it that.

Basically, don't give your ship a name that's an existing ship name for a canon/canon MCU pairing. Please, for the love of God herself.  I know that the OC side of the fandom generally doesn't overlap with the canon/canon side of the fandom, so y'all may not be aware of those ships and their names, so here's a handy dandy link I never thought I'd have to give-


I was gonna make a list, then I remembered how long it is and honestly, fuck that.

Just please, don't accidentally give your OC/Canon ship a ship name that already belongs to a Canon/Canon ship. I will laugh, cry, and probably scream if it's Starker.

Be careful, you ding-a-lings. Don't give me a heart attack, pls.

 Don't give me a heart attack, pls

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