dOn'T jUdGe A bOoK bY iTs' CoVeR

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I'm gonna stop you right there.

It is in our human nature to judge something by first glance and initial impressions. That is just the way it is.

So if your title comes from a Halsey song, I'm throwing a textbook at you.

Okay, I don't have much complaining about actual titles. They're supposed to be all poetic and hard to understand anyway, so like, you do you. Song lyric titles only annoy me if they're insanely popular song lyrics that are just cheesy at this point, but if you can make it work, go for it, I guess. I don't know, I'm not the boss of you. I will 1000000% not remember your book by its' actual title anyway so do what you want. 

What I want to rant about, is the fucking cover.

There's this hot new trend of having covers to fanfiction that make no fucking sense? Like, it's just a random screenshot of a Marvel movie that has nothing to do with anything or just a random picture in general? I am confusion?

And I've seen the excuses over not being any good at making covers. Y'all act like it's an ancient witchcraft that requires you selling your soul over. 

It is not that hard to edit a cute cover. Google some picture idea that relates to the book on Pinterest like the rest of us, throw on a cute filter, and slap the title on. It can be that simple. 

Some covers are super fancy, I get it. When I personally make a cover, I use on average at least six separate photos (and usually end up having a backup for each one if it doesn't look the way I want it to), anywhere from 1 to 3 hours of time, and a small piece of my sanity. I'm extra with it, but it's easier than it sounds and yall don't have to be that fancy. 

The basic rules for your cover are 1, it should somehow at least relate to your book, and 2, the font of the title should be legible. That's about it. And maybe throw your name in there somewhere too.

Just like, put in some effort. Use Canvas or Pixlr or something. You can do it. 


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