Brb, just digging up a grave Plot™ to take a nap in

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Y'all over think plots too hard so here's a Thing™: Your plot can be shitty. A great character can carry a shitty plot, a great plot cannot carry a shitty character. Refer to Your Main Bitch for context on writing a dope ass Bitch. 

Look, you don't need to overthink your plot. Build that shit around your OC. It's fucking fine if it's cliche. How many YA dystopian trilogies out there making bank right there? Too many, because that's the fucking point. 

The more you focus on the "oRiGiNaLiTy" of your plot, the more I get the vibe that you're trying so hard to be Unique™, that you've forgotten to take care of every other aspect of your story. 

Because guess fucking what, home slice? Popular tropes are popular because people like them! You wanna write a daughter of Tony Stark falling in love with Peter Parker? Great! A generic second Winter Soldier who falls in love with Bucky? Wonderful! The younger sister of Natasha who was raised in the Red Room? FUCKING SPECTACULAR YOU FUNKY LITTLE WRITER

Listen. I don't care about your super Complex™ and hard to describe superpower and backstory and spider web that got hacked up into a hairball of a plotline. It doesn't matter and usually doesn't stick unless you write it exactly the way you envisioned. Which, let's be real here, we're writers not fucking miracle workers. 

Embrace the cliche. Have fun with the tropes. Beat the dead horse so dead he needs a different kind of plot to lie in. People complain about them just for the sake of it. If you've got a cool idea, great. Run with it to the fucking hills, my dude. But like, chill out. You'd be surprised how little a plot actually matters to your story, I promise. 


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