1-Flashbacks and Tickets

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     Screaming. That's all I heard. "Oh My God!! No!! Call an ambulance you dumbass!" An angelic voice yelled. I open my eyes slightly but everything is a blur. "You're going to be okay y/n. Why? Why would you do this to yourself. No, to everyone!" The voice cried. A female, gray hair, and beautiful blue eyes. I couldn't make out much, but those features. But who is she? And how does she know me?

      Suddenly I'm lifted up onto something and there's yelling and crying. "She's my best friend! Let me go with her! I need to make sure she's okay!" The girl cried. "I'm sorry miss, but only family can come." They say. "Do you know who I am!? I'm B-"

       I jolt awake breathing heavily. I've been constantly having this dream since my accident. We'll not really an accident. I attempted suicide about 3 years ago when I was 15. I was brought to the hospital and was 'saved' at least that's what they say. They told me that I did large and deep cuts while in a tub filled by water. But I had suffered memory loss. They said that I most likely tried to get up and slipped causing me to hit my head. The impact caused me to have memory loss. I couldn't remember anyone not even my parents. After a few weeks and tests I remembered them.

     The doctors told me I would remember those I forgot by observing and being around them for a while. My brain will sense something and I'll gain little memory at a time or fully remember them. I've remembered most of the people in my life. The only person I can't seem to remember is that girl from my flashbacks. Everytime I would describe her to friends and family they would give me a look sort of apologetic and sad; they would say that never heard of someone with those features.

     I sigh feeling stressed when suddenly my door is bust down. "WHAT'S UP BITCH! GET UPPPPPPP!" My friend and roommate Amanda yelled. I look over at her and throw my pillow, successfully hitting her face. "Shut up man. It's too fucking early for that shit." I groan at her in annoyance. She tosses the pillow back at me and jumps on my bed, "I DON'T CARE HOE! GET UP! IT'S MY BIRTHDAY BITCH! WHAT YOU GET MEEEEEEEE!" She yelled jumping up and down.

      "If you don't shut the fuck up right now I'm tossing your gift out this fucking window." I say pulling her leg causing her to fall on the bed. She looks at me and pouts, "You're so mean." I roll my eyes, "And you're annoying. Your point?" I say raising my eyebrow. "None. Now present, present, present!" She chants. "Fine! Close your eyes!" I yell at her. She closes her eyes and I walk to my desk picking up an envelope and place it on her lap. "Okay you can open them now." She looks down confused and begins to open it.

      I loud scream is ripped through the room. "OH MY FUCKING GOD! YOU DID NOT! Y/N! HOLY SHIT YOU'RE GOING TO MAKE ME CRY! THANK YOU! THANK YOU SO MUCH! BILLIE EILISH HEAR I FUCKING COME!" Amanda screams as she flaunts around the Billie Eilish tickets. "For fucks sake Mandy! Can you stop fucking yelling your bursting my ear drums!" I yell at her. She smiles shyly before hugging me tightly. "Thank you so much y/n! And you got us VIP tickets! Oh you're the best! Friday is going to be the best day ever! Ahhhh! I get to meet and watch her sing! God I love you more than Billie Eilish!" She says. A sharp pain goes through my head at Billies name. I hold my head wincing as tears well up in my eyes.

      Amanda stops and holds my hand. "Are you okay y/n/n?" She says softly. I nod calming down. "Yeah. Well why don't you go get ready? You wanted to go have breakfast and party didn't you?" I say smiling. She nods happily and skips out of my room. I sigh. I have a feeling that Friday won't be as much of good day for me than for Amanda. I have a bad feeling.

      I shake my thoughts away and get dressed. I put my y/c/h hair up in a pony tail. I put on a white long sleeve body suit and a tight brown mini skirt. I match it with some small brown heels. I look at my outfit in the mirror. At the bottom of my skirt you can see my cuts. I stare at them then at my face. Disgusting. That's all I see. I'm about to go change but Amanda steps in. "Don't. You look good! Look at you! All those curves! Please? Just leave it on okay?" She says smiling softly. "Okay. Only because it's your birthday." I say smiling.

     She claps her hands. "You look good by the way." I say looking at her outfit. A tight sparkly red dress. She had a crown on and a sash saying 'It's my Birthday Bitch' I shake my head. She always has to be so extra doesn't she? She grins, "Thanks y/n! Coming from the lesbian I'm sure to get all the dick tonight! I'll wait for you in the living room!" She says laughing to herself. She's such a dumb bitch, but I love that dumb bitch.

      I walk to my desk and pick up an orange bottle with a white cap. My antidepressants. I take two with some water and smile. I won't skip them today I want to make sure I'm happy for Mandy today. I go over to her and she looks up at me and smiles. "Ready?" I ask her. She grins, "Ready!!" She screams and links her arm with mine as we leave the apartment. "Happy birthday Amanda. Let's make it your best 20th!" I say. "Bitch it's my only 20th so it better be!" She says dragging me to the car. I smile at her. I hope it is her best. I'm just worried about the concert.

Broken Promise////Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now